FINDINGS The Enneagram Personality Profiles The Enneagram results for 的繁體中文翻譯

FINDINGS The Enneagram Personality

FINDINGS The Enneagram Personality Profiles The Enneagram results for each of the participants are illustrated in Table 2. The brief characteristics of each type have been included there as a reminder. Posttest Reflection Questionnaire The posttest reflection questionnaire had the following format. • On a scale of 1–5, how difficult was it to understand the test?
• In a few sentences, tell me about your test experience.
• Did you like the test? Why or why not?
• Do you think that the results are correct? Why or why not?
• Tell me two things that you learned about personality from the test, test results, or our class discussion. For each participant that took the test, some key points have been outlined. Both Marie and Annabel (the Perfectionists) found the test relatively easy and mostly accurate. Annabel specifically enjoyed the activity because it made her think “about thing you have ever seen about yourself.” She learned vocabulary and more about herself. Marie felt “like a little strange because this is the first time I take this kind of this survey. But I was great, because I learn something new about myself.” She learned how to handle a problem and how to live with people in a different way. With the exception of Teresa, the Helpers in the group found the test relatively difficult to understand. However, despite this, each participant found value in the exercise. Moriah realized that everyone had good and bad qualities to their personality. She also learned that you can discover a lot about yourself just by answering a few questions. She stated, “Its impertant that we know ourself and help ourself with controlling our bad habbit.” Beth found the test interesting and confirming. Although she knew most of this information about herself before, she learned she needed to try and relax and focus on self and to “not involve in other’s situation too much that is going to be harmful (physically and emotionally).” Eileen learned that it was not easy to deal with different personalities. Emily found the test entertaining and reported that she learned about her personality and how people could get along with her. Teresa (the last Helper of the group) found the test relatively easy and felt the test allowed her to see her strengths and weaknesses so that she could work on them. She did not think the test was 100% accurate and thought that “no single evaluation cannot pigeonhole to a person.” However, she thought it was a good incentive to learn more about herself and to investigate more about the Enneagram. Sarah (the Achiever) found the test easy to understand, informative, and accurate about her personality. The main thing she learned was how people could get along with her. James (the Loyalist) found the test relatively easy and said that it was helpful to get a reflection of self. He felt that the test was accurate and matched his behavior. He felt he learned how to behave and interact with others “in an appropriate or inappropriate manner” and about other personality types. It is important to remember that he was not included in the final analysis because he dropped out after completing the Enneagram and posttest reflection questionnaire. Consuelo (the Leader) rated the test in the middle range of difficulty. She enjoyed the test because she felt that it taught her the importance of understanding others. She felt the test was about 90% accurate. She learned that it was important to respect other people’s ways of thinking and how to relate more successfully with her coworkers. She stated, “I understood that everyone is different and have different personalities and many forms to see the world therefore to have respect for other people’s form of think.” Finally, Jasmine (the Peacemaker) found the test easy and enjoyable because it showed her some things that she did not know about her personality. She felt proud of her personality type and felt that the results were accurate. She learned that she needed to just be herself and dream.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
調查結果<br><br>的九型人格概況<br>的九型結果每個參與者在表2中每一種類型的特徵已經包括有作為提醒的簡要圖示。<br><br>反思後測問卷<br><br>後測反射問卷有以下格式。<br><br>•在1-5級,多麼困難的是要了解該測試?•用幾句話,告訴我你的測試體驗。•您是否喜歡的考驗嗎?為什麼或者為什麼不?•你認為結果是正確的?為什麼或者為什麼不?•告訴我兩件事情,您了解了從測試的個性,測試結果,或我們的課堂討論。<br><br>對於考了每個參與者,一些關鍵點的草案已經完成。無論瑪麗和安娜貝爾(在完美主義者)中發現的測試相對容易,大多準確。安娜貝爾特別喜歡的活動,因為這讓她思考“的事情你見過你自己。”她學過的詞彙,更多的是她自己。瑪麗覺得“好像有點怪怪的,因為這是我第一次採取這樣的這項調查。但是,我是偉大的,因為我了解自己新的東西。“她學會了如何處理問題,以及如何與人生活在一個不同的方式。<br><br>鄧麗君外,該組中的助手發現了測試比較難以理解。然而,儘管這樣,每個參與者發現,在鍛煉價值。莫里亞意識到每個人都有好的和壞的品質,以自己的個性。她還了解到,你可以通過回答幾個問題發現了很多關於自己。她說,“它impertant,我們知道我們自己和幫助我們自己有控制我們的壞習慣中。”貝絲發現了有趣的測試和確認。雖然她之前就知道大多數關於她自己這個信息,她得知她需要嘗試和放鬆,專注於自我,並以“其他的情況不會涉及太多事將是有害的(身體和情感)。”<br><br>艾琳知道這是不容易對付不同的個性。艾米麗測試發現娛樂性和報導,她了解她的個性,以及如何人能和她相處。鄧麗君(該組的最後一個助手)測試發現相對容易,並認為該試驗讓她看她的長處和短處,以便她能對他們的工作。她沒想到測試是100%準確的,並認為“沒有單一的評估不能束之高閣一個人。”不過,她認為這是一個很好的激勵更多地了解自己,並探討更多關於九型人格。<br><br>莎拉(的成就者)測試發現通俗易懂,內容翔實,準確的關於她的個性。她學到的最主要的是人們如何與她相處。詹姆斯(勤王)測試發現相對容易,並說,這是有利於獲得自我的反映。他認為,測試準確,符合他的行為。他覺得自己學會了如何與“以適當或不適當的方式”以及對他人的人格類型人的行為和相互作用。重要的是要記住,他是不包括在最後的分析,因為他完成了九型人格和後測問卷調查反映後退出是很重要的。<br><br>肯蘇伊洛(領袖)額定在困難的中間範圍的測試。她喜歡的測試,因為她覺得這教她理解別人的重要性。她認為測試是90%準確。她了解到,重要的是要尊重其他人的思想,以及如何與她的同事更成功地涉及的方法。她說,“我明白,每個人都是不同的,有不同的個性和多種形式看世界,因此有其他人的形式想到的尊重。” <br><br>最後,茉莉花(和平使者)測試發現輕鬆愉快,因為它顯示了她有些事情她不知道她的個性。她感到驕傲的她的性格類型,並認為該結果是準確的。她了解到,她需要只是她自己和夢想。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
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結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
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