For DL overload only, or DL overload and DL HSDPA overload, besides denying admission to the congested cell, RN Congestion Control starts congestion resolve actions in the cell. The congestion resolve actions are periodic from the start of DL congestion until the DL cell congestion situation is resolved. The congestion resolve actions are based on the release of a certain amount of ASE in DL. The release is done by reducing the rate in DL (if possible) or to release RABs in one or more radio connections. The "pace" of the congestion resolve actions (that is the interval between periodic congestion resolve actions) and the "strength" of the congestion resolve actions (that is, the amount of ASE in DL to be released each congestion resolve action) are configurable for each request class. For Iu-originating connections, the ASE in DL is released (when possible) by switching the connection to the common channel or releasing RAB. While for connections originating over Iur the release of ASE in DL is done by terminating the radio link, which in turn leads to the release of the whole connection.
air interface speech equivalent