Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the national economy. Batik Pekalongan, Solo and Lasem are examples of successful SMEs to stimulate local economy while creating products that are competitive in the national and international level. The purpose of this article is to identify the leading factors, as well as the barriers to doing batik business. In addition, this study also wanted to know the anticipation of future events done by batik entrepreneurs in creating customer value. The method is to use a qualitative approach to understand the problems that occur in SMEs batik Pekalongan , Solo and Lasem. The results show that there is great potential for doing batik business , that is because batik is a cultural product, batik has been rooted for generations, it has tacit knowledge, the availability of infrastructure and the good market. As for the obstacles is the lack of massive government support, the business is still run individually, as well as the lack of promotion. In addition, there is an absence of extra effort made by batik entrepreneurs in marketing and in anticipating future competition. Further research may emphasize on the role of associations and government, the role of the cluster, the patterns of anticipation on future strategy and how to develop human resources in batik industry.