00:00:02,090 --> 00:00:05,535
When you have a relatively large area of a photo that you want to clean up in some
00:00:05,535 --> 00:00:08,874
way for example, correcting damage such as that you see at the bottom left of
00:00:08,874 --> 00:00:14,380
this image is selection based cleanup is often the easiest approach.
00:00:14,380 --> 00:00:18,970
And when you want to use a selection as the basis of a cleanup in Photoshop.
00:00:18,970 --> 00:00:21,380
The best choice of tools is the Patch tool.
00:00:21,380 --> 00:00:24,666
Now, I actually didn't use to be a big fan of the patch tool in prior versions
00:00:24,666 --> 00:00:29,940
of Photoshop, because it didn't allow you to work on a separate empty image layer.
00:00:29,940 --> 00:00:32,619
In order to use the patch tool non-destructively, you had to create a
00:00:32,619 --> 00:00:37,076
copy of your background image layer, which would double the overall file size.
00:00:37,076 --> 00:00:40,532
Now, with Photoshop CS6 we're able to use the patch tool on an empty layer, and
00:00:40,532 --> 00:00:44,220
that's certainly my preferred way of working.
00:00:44,220 --> 00:00:47,405
So, let's take a look at how we can patch this area of the image at the bottom left
00:00:47,405 --> 00:00:51,964
corner, using the patch tool. One thing to keep in mind with the patch
00:00:51,964 --> 00:00:55,344
tool is that we're only able to work on a separate empty image layer if the image
00:00:55,344 --> 00:01:00,330
is in the RGB color mode. I generally prefer to scan original
00:01:00,330 --> 00:01:03,460
images into the RGB color space in any event.
00:01:03,460 --> 00:01:06,724
But if you are working with a gray scale image, you'll need to convert it to RGB
00:01:06,724 --> 00:01:11,504
first if you want to work in this way. You can see that this image is currently
00:01:11,504 --> 00:01:17,200
in the gray scale mode, and so I'm going to switch it to the RGB color mode first.
00:01:17,200 --> 00:01:21,610
I'll go ahead and choose Image and then mode followed by RGB Color in order to
00:01:21,610 --> 00:01:25,690
convert this image to the RGB color space.
00:01:25,690 --> 00:01:29,130
Now, I can create a new empty image layer for my cleanup.
00:01:29,130 --> 00:01:31,839
I'll go ahead and click the Create New Layer button, the Blank Sheet of Paper
00:01:31,839 --> 00:01:36,008
icon, at the bottom of the Layers panel. And then I'll double-click on the name
00:01:36,008 --> 00:01:39,347
for this layer so that I can type a new name, pressing Enter or Return to apply
00:01:39,347 --> 00:01:44,850
that name change. Next, I'll choose the patch tool from the toolbox.
00:01:44,850 --> 00:01:48,220
The patch tool is hiding underneath the spot healing brush tool.
00:01:48,220 --> 00:01:51,535
So, I'll click and hold my mouse on the button for the spot healing brush tool in
00:01:51,535 --> 00:01:57,050
order to bring up the File menu, and then I'll choose the patch tool from that file menu.
00:01:57,050 --> 00:02:00,878
The patch tool behaves as a selection tool initially, specifically it behaves
00:02:00,878 --> 00:02:04,532
as though it were the Lasso Selection tool, and so I can simply click and drag
00:02:04,532 --> 00:02:07,954
on the image in order to create a selection and generally I will create a
00:02:07,954 --> 00:02:15,860
selection that is just a little bit larger than the area that I need to clean up.
00:02:15,860 --> 00:02:19,328
I'll then drag outside the image in this case, since the blemish continues all the
00:02:19,328 --> 00:02:22,838
way to the edge. I don't need to drag right along the
00:02:22,838 --> 00:02:25,958
edge, I just need to drag outside the image, and when I release to close my
00:02:25,958 --> 00:02:29,078
selection, that selection will automatically match up with the edge of
00:02:29,078 --> 00:02:35,609
the image. I now have a selection created that
00:02:35,609 --> 00:02:40,208
defines the area that I want to clean up. But before I actually clean up that area,
00:02:40,208 --> 00:02:43,560
I want to check my settings on the Options bar.
00:02:43,560 --> 00:02:47,156
For the Patch option I want to make sure that I have content aware selected,
00:02:47,156 --> 00:02:51,038
rather then normal. That makes sure that the Patch tool will
00:02:51,038 --> 00:02:54,678
take advantage of the content aware technology, which greatly improves your
00:02:54,678 --> 00:02:59,328
results in most cases. The adaptation option determines how much
00:02:59,328 --> 00:03:03,234
the pixels that you're using as the source to clean up the area that needs to
00:03:03,234 --> 00:03:08,286
be fixed can be adjusted. If I chose the very strict option, then
00:03:08,286 --> 00:03:12,950
virtually no change will be applied to most of the pixels that are being copied.
00:03:12,950 --> 00:03:16,780
If I chose very lose, then lots of change might be applied.
00:03:16,780 --> 00:03:21,520
When it's important to retain the exact structure, then you'll use very strict.
00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:24,720
And when you don't care at all about that structure, for example cleaning up a
00:03:24,720 --> 00:03:29,890
cloudy sky where randomness is actually a very good thing, then I would use very loose.
00:03:29,890 --> 00:03:32,490
For this image, I want to go somewhere in between.
00:03:32,490 --> 00:03:35,280
Because I want to retain the texture of the water, but I want Photoshop to be
00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:39,890
able to blend things a little bit, so that we get a little bit more randomness.
00:03:39,890 --> 00:03:43,229
So I'm going to use the medium option, I also need to make sure that the sample
00:03:43,229 --> 00:03:47,829
all layers check box is turned on. This is what enables me to copy pixels
00:03:47,829 --> 00:03:51,428
onto an empty layer from the layers below, in this case just my background
00:03:51,428 --> 00:03:56,780
image layer. So now I have the Patch tool completely configured.
00:03:56,780 --> 00:04:00,689
I'll go ahead and drag my selection. Now, as I do so, you'll notice that the
00:04:00,689 --> 00:04:06,310
area that I'm attempting to clean reflects that area underneath my current selection.
00:04:06,310 --> 00:04:09,616
So, as I drag the section around, I'm able to get a pretty good sense of
00:04:09,616 --> 00:04:13,444
whether or not the area that my mouse is currently over represents a good source
00:04:13,444 --> 00:04:19,195
of pixels for that destination area. I will come out over here into an open
00:04:19,195 --> 00:04:24,550
area of water, making sure that I keep the entire selection inside the image.
00:04:24,550 --> 00:04:27,905
If I drag downward a little bit for example you will see that I am revealing
00:04:27,905 --> 00:04:31,425
the portion of the original unpatched area at the bottom left corner, so I'll
00:04:31,425 --> 00:04:34,890
drag that selection back up, make sure that the entire selection is over the
00:04:34,890 --> 00:04:41,798
water and then I will release the mouse. Photoshop will then process that area,
00:04:41,798 --> 00:04:45,885
and what it's done is copied pixels from my source area into the destination area
00:04:45,885 --> 00:04:51,069
and then attempted to blend them. And blend them both in terms of matching
00:04:51,069 --> 00:04:54,673
overall texture, but also blending into the surrounding area so that I hopefully
00:04:54,673 --> 00:04:59,935
have a very seamless result. I'll press Ctrl + D on Windows or Cmd + D
00:04:59,935 --> 00:05:03,510
on Macintosh in order to deselect that selection, so we can get a better look at
00:05:03,510 --> 00:05:08,040
the result. And overall it looks very very good.
00:05:08,040 --> 00:05:10,560
There is a little bit of obvious blending here.
00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:13,530
We can see a transition that's not so smooth in certain areas.
00:05:13,530 --> 00:05:17,790
For that type of cleanup I'll tend to use the Spot Healing Brush tool.
00:05:17,790 --> 00:05:21,380
So I'll go ahead and choose the Spot Healing Brush tool from the toolbox.
00:05:21,380 --> 00:05:24,890
I'll make sure that the settings are appropriate, specifically choosing the
00:05:24,890 --> 00:05:29,420
Content Aware option and Sample All layers, and then I can simply paint.
00:05:29,420 --> 00:05:32,569
I'll adjust my brush size a little using the left square bracket key to reduce the
00:05:32,569 --> 00:05:36,725
brush size or the right square bracket key to increase the brush size.
00:05:36,725 --> 00:05:40,373
And then I can paint along that seam and Photoshop will blend a little bit more
00:05:40,373 --> 00:05:43,414
for me. And in this case, that's working very,
00:05:43,414 --> 00:05:47,495
very well to blend the results so things look a little more seamless.
00:05:47,495 --> 00:05:50,745
So, I'll continue applying a little bit of cleanup there, until I'm happy with
00:05:50,745 --> 00:05:54,108
the final result. But by Turning Off the Visibility for the
00:05:54,108 --> 00:05:57,436
Cleanup Layer, you can see we go from an image that has this obvious scar on it,
00:05:57,436 --> 00:06:02,328
to an image that is blended pretty well. I could certainly continue applying a
00:06:02,328 --> 00:06:05,690
little bit more corrective work there to improve the blending.
00:06:05,690 --> 00:06:09,402
But as you can see, using the patch tool as the basis of a selection based image
00:06:09,402 --> 00:06:13,860
clean up can be very quick and easy, for serious blemishes.
100:00:02,090--> 00:00:05,535当你有较大面积的你想要清理的一些照片200:00:05,535--> 00:00:08,874例如,纠正损害,例如你看一下底部的方式离开的300:00:08,874--> 00:00:14,380这张图片是根据选择清理往往是最简单的方法。400:00:14,380--> 00:00:18,970当你想要选择用作清理在 Photoshop 中的基础。500:00:18,970--> 00:00:21,380工具的最佳选择是修补工具。600:00:21,380--> 00:00:24,666现在,我其实没在使用,是一个大风扇的以前版本中的修补工具700:00:24,666--> 00:00:29,940Photoshop,因为它不允许你在一个单独的空图像图层上工作。800:00:29,940--> 00:00:32,619为了非破坏性地使用修补工具,您必须创建900:00:32,619--> 00:00:37,076你背景图像图层,将整个双拷贝文件大小。1000:00:37,076--> 00:00:40,532现在,与 Photoshop CS6 我们能够在一个空的图层,使用修补工具和1100:00:40,532--> 00:00:44,220这当然是工作的我首选方式。1200:00:44,220--> 00:00:47,405所以,让我们看看如何,我们可以修补此图像区域的左下角1300:00:47,405--> 00:00:51,964角落里,使用修补工具。一件事要记住与该修补程序1400:00:51,964--> 00:00:55,344tool is that we're only able to work on a separate empty image layer if the image1500:00:55,344 --> 00:01:00,330is in the RGB color mode. I generally prefer to scan original1600:01:00,330 --> 00:01:03,460images into the RGB color space in any event.1700:01:03,460 --> 00:01:06,724But if you are working with a gray scale image, you'll need to convert it to RGB1800:01:06,724 --> 00:01:11,504first if you want to work in this way. You can see that this image is currently1900:01:11,504 --> 00:01:17,200in the gray scale mode, and so I'm going to switch it to the RGB color mode first.2000:01:17,200 --> 00:01:21,610I'll go ahead and choose Image and then mode followed by RGB Color in order to2100:01:21,610 --> 00:01:25,690convert this image to the RGB color space.2200:01:25,690 --> 00:01:29,130Now, I can create a new empty image layer for my cleanup.2300:01:29,130 --> 00:01:31,839I'll go ahead and click the Create New Layer button, the Blank Sheet of Paper2400:01:31,839 --> 00:01:36,008icon, at the bottom of the Layers panel. And then I'll double-click on the name2500:01:36,008 --> 00:01:39,347for this layer so that I can type a new name, pressing Enter or Return to apply2600:01:39,347 --> 00:01:44,850that name change. Next, I'll choose the patch tool from the toolbox.2700:01:44,850 --> 00:01:48,220The patch tool is hiding underneath the spot healing brush tool.2800:01:48,220 --> 00:01:51,535So, I'll click and hold my mouse on the button for the spot healing brush tool in2900:01:51,535 --> 00:01:57,050order to bring up the File menu, and then I'll choose the patch tool from that file menu.3000:01:57,050 --> 00:02:00,878The patch tool behaves as a selection tool initially, specifically it behaves3100:02:00,878 --> 00:02:04,532as though it were the Lasso Selection tool, and so I can simply click and drag3200:02:04,532 --> 00:02:07,954on the image in order to create a selection and generally I will create a3300:02:07,954 --> 00:02:15,860selection that is just a little bit larger than the area that I need to clean up.3400:02:15,860 --> 00:02:19,328I'll then drag outside the image in this case, since the blemish continues all the3500:02:19,328 --> 00:02:22,838way to the edge. I don't need to drag right along the3600:02:22,838 --> 00:02:25,958edge, I just need to drag outside the image, and when I release to close my3700:02:25,958 --> 00:02:29,078selection, that selection will automatically match up with the edge of3800:02:29,078 --> 00:02:35,609the image. I now have a selection created that3900:02:35,609 --> 00:02:40,208defines the area that I want to clean up. But before I actually clean up that area,4000:02:40,208 --> 00:02:43,560I want to check my settings on the Options bar.4100:02:43,560 --> 00:02:47,156我想要一定内容意识到选择,为修补程序选项4200:02:47,156--> 00:02:51,038而不是正常人。这使得确定修补工具将4300:02:51,038--> 00:02:54,678利用内容的感知技术,大大提高了你4400:02:54,678--> 00:02:59,328在大多数情况下的结果。适应的选项可确定多少4500:02:59,328--> 00:03:03,234你正在使用作为源来清理需要向该地区的像素4600:03:03,234--> 00:03:08,286将固定可以调整。如果选择了非常严格的选项,然后4700:03:08,286--> 00:03:12,950几乎没有改变将应用到大多数正在复制的像素。4800:03:12,950--> 00:03:16,780如果我选择了非常丢失,则可能应用了很多变化。4900:03:16,780--> 00:03:21,520当它是必须保留的确切结构时,然后您将使用非常严格。5000:03:21,520--> 00:03:24,720当你根本不在乎这种结构,例如清理5100:03:24,720--> 00:03:29,890多云的天空在那里随机性是其实是非常好的事情,然后我会用非常宽松。5200:03:29,890--> 00:03:32,490对于此映像,我想要去某个地方之间。5300:03:32,490--> 00:03:35,280因为我想要保持产品的质感的水,但我想 Photoshop 要5400:03:35,280--> 00:03:39,890能够混合的东西一点点,这样我们得到多一点点的随机性。5500:03:39,890 --> 00:03:43,229So I'm going to use the medium option, I also need to make sure that the sample5600:03:43,229 --> 00:03:47,829all layers check box is turned on. This is what enables me to copy pixels5700:03:47,829 --> 00:03:51,428onto an empty layer from the layers below, in this case just my background5800:03:51,428 --> 00:03:56,780image layer. So now I have the Patch tool completely configured.5900:03:56,780 --> 00:04:00,689I'll go ahead and drag my selection. Now, as I do so, you'll notice that the6000:04:00,689 --> 00:04:06,310area that I'm attempting to clean reflects that area underneath my current selection.6100:04:06,310 --> 00:04:09,616So, as I drag the section around, I'm able to get a pretty good sense of6200:04:09,616 --> 00:04:13,444whether or not the area that my mouse is currently over represents a good source6300:04:13,444 --> 00:04:19,195of pixels for that destination area. I will come out over here into an open6400:04:19,195 --> 00:04:24,550area of water, making sure that I keep the entire selection inside the image.6500:04:24,550 --> 00:04:27,905If I drag downward a little bit for example you will see that I am revealing6600:04:27,905 --> 00:04:31,425the portion of the original unpatched area at the bottom left corner, so I'll6700:04:31,425 --> 00:04:34,890drag that selection back up, make sure that the entire selection is over the6800:04:34,890--> 00:04:41,798水然后将释放鼠标。Photoshop 将然后处理这一领域,6900:04:41,798--> 00:04:45,885它做的是从我进入目标区域的源区域复制的像素7000:04:45,885--> 00:04:51,069然后再尝试来把它们融合。和混合两者的匹配7100:04:51,069--> 00:04:54,673整体的质感,但也融入周边地区如此,我希望7200:04:54,673--> 00:04:59,935有一个很无缝的结果。我会在 Windows 或 Cmd + D 按 Ctrl + D7300:04:59,935--> 00:05:03,510在 Macintosh 上以取消选择该选项,所以我们可以更好地看看7400:05:03,510--> 00:05:08,040结果。整体看起来非常非常好。7500:05:08,040--> 00:05:10,560还有一点点的明显混合在这里。7600:05:10,560--> 00:05:13,530我们可以看到在某些方面不是那么光滑过渡。7700:05:13,530--> 00:05:17,790对于这种类型的清理我会倾向于使用污点修复画笔工具。7800:05:17,790--> 00:05:21,380所以我会往前走,从工具箱中选择污点修复画笔工具。7900:05:21,380--> 00:05:24,890我会确保设置是适当的具体选择8000:05:24,890--> 00:05:29,420内容了解选项和样本所有图层,,然后可以简单地画。8100:05:29,420--> 00:05:32,569我会调整一下有点使用左的方括号键来减少我画笔大小8200:05:32,569--> 00:05:36,725笔刷的大小或右方括号键以增加画笔大小。8300:05:36,725--> 00:05:40,373然后我可以沿着那缝画,Photoshop 将混合多一点点8400:05:40,373--> 00:05:43,414对我来说。在这种情况下,这是工作非常,8500:05:43,414--> 00:05:47,495很好地混合结果所以事情看起来有点更加无缝。8600:05:47 495--> 00:05:50,745所以,我将继续运用一点点的清理那里,直到我满意8700:05:50,745--> 00:05:54,108最终的结果。但通过关闭的可见性8800:05:54,108--> 00:05:57,436清除图层,您可以看到我们去从有这明显的疤痕,图像8900:05:57,436--> 00:06:02,328很好混合的图像。我当然可以继续应用9000:06:02,328--> 00:06:05,690一点点更多纠正的工作来改善共混。9100:06:05,690--> 00:06:09,402但正如你所看到的使用修补工具作为基础的选择基于图像9200:06:09,402--> 00:06:13,860清理可以非常快速和容易,对于严重的瑕疵。