In all areas of 16949 are considered out of the ISO 9001 and ISO/TS in addition: 4.1 (quality management system/process management), 4.2.3, 4.2.4 (steering documents and records), 5.4.1(Q-Ziele),.5.5.1 (powers and responsibilities), 5.5.3 (internal communication), 6.2 (human resources), 6.3 (infrastructure), 6.4 (working environment), 8.2.3 (monitoring and measurement of processes), 8.4 (data analysis), 8.5 (continuous improvement,Corrective and preventive measures), as well as customer-specific requirements.Following are questions for each process: 4.1 (process management), 4.2.3, 4.2.4, what? (Material, compound,Equipment) 6.3, 6.4, with whom? (Skills, training, Wechselwirk.) 5.5.1, 6.2, with which performance counters?(Measuring / check) 5.4.1, 8.4, such as? (Instructions, methods, techniques) 5.5.3, 8.2.3, 8.5Before Auditbeginn: The changes of the customer and internal performance data, as well as missing information about the audit since the last poll with the document "DQS_CF160_Audit planning_Auditplanung ISO-TS 16949" provide. In the meeting room, if possible, to provide a guest Internet access.