(Hao Tian – Vietnam Version) New Year’s Updating Plan
1、Newly add and open the function of “护国神兽”
Note: Please download the activity description document in the attachment
2、Newly add and open the activity function of “元旦大作战”
Note: Please download the activity description document in the attachment
3、Newly add and open“买一送一”activity function of “消费送礼”.
Note: a part of content that need to translate has submitted to “小武” in the newly added function.
4、The attribute of Newly added pet equipment“铃铛”。 (add two attributes of physical attack and method of attack)
Note: the newly added one mainly solves the problem in the pet equipment of “铃铛” that the original attributes only have crit and dodge. However, after opening the strengthening System pet equipment.
Other: after newly added physical attack and method of attack and strengthened pet equipment “铃铛”. It Will have a physical attack and method of attack attribute addition. But crit and dodge do not have attribute addition.(It is a normal set.)
5、The media name of M8 media client newly added and modified has submitted to you.
6、There is one newly added special limited recharge card channel media client package.(we will submit the modified one in the afternoon).
7、Repaired the failure BUG that is 100% strengthened.