Appsverse Photon Browser Flash Player for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
For new users, if you do not have time to read through the tutorial and FAQ, know 2 important things with the use of Photon Flash Web Browser for viewing Flash websites.
1) REMEMBER to click the lightning bolt button to view Flash websites. This allows you to switch between Flash browsing mode and the faster native mode for normal websites.
2) ADJUST THE BANDWIDTH PROFILE to let Photon adapt to your network settings via the Settings->Flash Section->Bandwidth menu. If your video lags or freeze, try another bandwidth settings as your network may not be fast enough for the current setting. We default the network settings to support the lowest bandwidth. If you have a higher bandwidth network, try changing the number to let Photon adapt to your network for an even better experience.
Appsverse Photon Browser is a browser that is designed for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with the experience optimized and enhanced for the user browsing on the iOS devices. It is also a powerful browser that supports Flash player for iPad and the browsing of Flash websites by streaming these sites from servers in the cloud. Appsverse Photon Browser is a fully featured browser that combines the fast native experience of browsing on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with Flash player in cloud streaming sessions to browse Flash websites when needed.
Photon for iPad
Photon for iPhone and iPod Touch
Photon YouTube Contest - Win an Apple TV
Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting
Falcon Downloader and Video Player
Falcon Downloader and Media Player for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
- Browser, download manager, file manager and video player in one app! - Download video and music into your device.
- Read documents, play video and music without Internet access.
- Play different video formats not supported natively by iPad and iPhone
- Supports gp, sf, avi, divx, dv, flv, gxf, m2p, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, moov, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, mpg, mpv, mt2s, mts, mxf, ogm, ogv, ps, qt, ts, vob, webm, wma, wmv formats
Photon Browser for iPad
Browse Flash Websites
Appsverse powerful cloud virtualization technology allows users to seamlessly switch from native browsing mode to a cloud streaming session mode to browse Flash websites using Appsverse Photon Browser. As the web page is streamed from the cloud, user experience may differ based on a number of factors including network connectivity, bandwidth, latency, server load and a number of other factors.
Tabbed Browsing
Supports tabbed browsing and allows you to switch between different websites with ease.
Multiple Browse Views
Supports multiple views including full screen browsing, tabbed browsing, split views, picture in picture and three pane view. Multi-task and be productive as you surf the web.
Customize Colors
Personalize your Photon Browser with literally thousands of colors.
Awesome Toolbar
Use our single awesome url toolbar to type in your url or search keywords. Most frequented and recent websites and search keywords are automatically suggested for you as you type.
Smart History
Touch and hold the forward or back button for more than 1 second to see your previous history.
Full Screen Browsing
Get 100% browsing space available on your device with full screen browsing.
Private Browsing
Removes all history and cookies when you exit the browser for private browsing.
Night time reading
Adjust your browser brightness for night time reading.
Photon Browser for iPhone and iPod Touch
*** Photon Flash Browser for iPhone is finally here! ***
*** Photon for iPad is #1 in Utilities in US. ***
*** "Photon browser is a powerful and versatile Safari alternative that excels in its Flash support..." - USAToday ***
Photon YouTube Contest - Win an Apple TV
1) Create a video showing Photon Flash Browser (either on iPad or iPhone) in action.
2) Then upload the video to YouTube and email to contest(alias)appsverse(dot)com with the link to your YouTube video.
3) If we select your video to be featured in our home page, you will win an Apple TV.
4) We will contact via the email you send us with the link to arrange to send the prize to you.
5) This contest is currently open only to US residents.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I view this page again?
We have saved it under bookmarks under Photon Tutorial. You can click on the top right ribbon like icon button to find the bookmarks.
The websites I visited still says you dont have Flash installed or some Adobe message
Did you remember to click on the "Lightning Bolt" button. On the iPad, it can be found at the top right on the iPad and the bottom navigation bar on the iPhone and iPod Touch. You need to click the Lightning Bolt button to enter Flash streaming mode to view Flash websites.
What is the bandwidth settings for in the Settings Menu? What do the numbers mean?
The bandwidth settings are used f
IPad、 iPhone 和 iPod 触摸 Appsverse 光子浏览器 Flash Player对于新的用户,如果你没有时间来阅读本教程和常见问题,知道与光子 Flash Web 浏览器用于查看 Flash 网站 2 重要的事情。1) 记住单击闪电螺栓按钮以查看 Flash 网站。这允许您 Flash 浏览模式和正常网站更快的本机模式之间切换。2) 调整带宽轮廓让光子适应您的网络设置,通过设置-> 闪光节-> 带宽菜单。如果您的视频滞后或冻结,尝试另一种带宽设置为您的网络可能不是足够快,可以为当前的设置。我们的默认网络设置以支持最低带宽。如果你有更高的带宽的网络,请尝试更改号码,让光子适应您网络上的更好的体验。Appsverse 光子浏览器的浏览器,专为 iPad、 iPhone 和 iPod 触摸与经验进行了优化和加强了在 iOS 设备上浏览的用户的。这也是强大的浏览器支持 Flash 播放器 iPad 和浏览 Flash 网站由流这些网站从云计算中的服务器。Appsverse 光子浏览器是结合在 iPad 上浏览的快速本机经验的全功能浏览器、 iPhone 和 iPod 触摸与云流会话的 Flash 播放器来浏览 Flash 网站时所需。Photon for iPadPhoton for iPhone and iPod TouchPhoton YouTube Contest - Win an Apple TVFrequently Asked Questions / TroubleshootingFalcon Downloader and Video Player Falcon Downloader and Media Player for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch- Browser, download manager, file manager and video player in one app! - Download video and music into your device.- Read documents, play video and music without Internet access.- Play different video formats not supported natively by iPad and iPhone- Supports gp, sf, avi, divx, dv, flv, gxf, m2p, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, moov, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, mpg, mpv, mt2s, mts, mxf, ogm, ogv, ps, qt, ts, vob, webm, wma, wmv formats more...Photon Browser for iPadBrowse Flash WebsitesAppsverse powerful cloud virtualization technology allows users to seamlessly switch from native browsing mode to a cloud streaming session mode to browse Flash websites using Appsverse Photon Browser. As the web page is streamed from the cloud, user experience may differ based on a number of factors including network connectivity, bandwidth, latency, server load and a number of other factors.Tabbed BrowsingSupports tabbed browsing and allows you to switch between different websites with ease.Multiple Browse ViewsSupports multiple views including full screen browsing, tabbed browsing, split views, picture in picture and three pane view. Multi-task and be productive as you surf the web.自定义颜色个性化浏览光子与数以千计的颜色。令人敬畏的工具栏使用我们单一的令人敬畏的 url 工具栏键入 url 或搜索关键词。大多数的经常光顾和最近的网站和搜索关键词是自动建议您键入。聪明的历史触摸并按住前进或后退按钮为超过 1 秒,看看你以前的历史记录。全屏幕浏览100%获得与全屏幕浏览浏览您的设备上的可用空间。隐私浏览模式当你退出浏览器隐私浏览模式时,将删除所有历史和饼干。晚上的时间阅读晚上的时间阅读调整您的浏览器亮度。光子的浏览器 iPhone 和 iPod 触摸IPhone 的光子 Flash 浏览器最后就在这里 !***光子的 ipad 是在实用程序在我们的 #1。***"光子浏览器是强大及多才多艺的 Safari 替代,擅长于其 Flash 的支持......"-瑞特 * * *光子 YouTube 大赛 — — 赢得苹果电视1) 创建一个视频显示光子 Flash 浏览器 (无论是 iPad 或 iPhone 上) 在行动中。2) 然后将视频上传到 YouTube 和电子邮件进行比赛 (化名) appsverse (点),该链接指向自己的 YouTube 视频 com。3) 如果我们选择您的视频,在我们的首页推荐,你将赢得苹果电视。4) 我们将通过电子邮件发送我们要安排奖给你的链接与联系。5) 这次比赛是目前只对美国居民开放。常见问题如何再次查看此页面?我们已经根据书签下光子教程保存它。您可以单击图标按钮,用于查找书签顶右带状。我访问过的网站还说你没有安装 Flash 或一些 Adobe 消息你记得"闪电"按钮上单击。在 iPad 上它可以找到顶部右边 iPad 和 iPhone 和 iPod 触摸的底部导航栏。您需要单击闪电按钮来输入 Flash 流模式查看 Flash 网站。在设置菜单中的带宽设置是什么?这些数字是什么意思?带宽设置是使用的 f