Die sim karte funktioniert das handy erkennt meinen router zu hause und auf arbeit nicht ich möchte das handy zurückgeben und den kauf rückgängig machen Bitte schicken sie mir die daten zur rücksendung Mfg Krec
The sim card works the phone detects my router at home and on work not I want to return the phone and the undo purchase makePlease send me the data for the returnMfgKrec
The sim card works the phone recognizes my router at home and at work I would not return the phone and the purchase undo Please send me the data for return shipment Mfg Krec
the sim card is the phone recognizes my router at home and at work, i would like to return the phone, and the purchase of undoplease send me the data to returnmfgkrec