The algorithms were evaluated on hyper-enhanced regions which mimic scar. These pseudo infarct regions occur for several reasons mentioned in Section 2.7.4 and illustrated in Fig. 2. In each image, pseudo infarct was manually segmented by an experienced observer. These regions were either confirmed anatomically in the case of the outflow tract or by checking adjacent slices for scar continuity in the case of partial voluming. In each image, the total volume of pseudo infarct labelled by the observer was quantified. The total volume of these spurious infarct regions present in each algorithm and fixed model segmentation was also quantified. This was possible by comparing each segmentation to the manual labellings of pseudo infarcts. Results are represented in Fig. 10. KCL and MCG had a higher proportion of manually labelled pseudo infarct regions detected on average than other methods at 21 and 23%, respectively of pseudo infarct labelled by the observers. This is in comparison to MV, AIT and UPF with only 3, 9 and 3%, respectively. Fixed models 2,3,4,5,6-SD and FWHM contained 53, 44, 36, 30, 24 and 23% respectively of manually labelled pseudo infarct volume. Pseudo infarcts were most successfully avoided in the MV and UPF algorithms and least in the 2, 3, 4 and 5-SD methods.