This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and ent的繁體中文翻譯

This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreemen

This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on the date of [ ________________ (MM/DD/YYYY)] (the “Effective Date”) by and between Advantech Co., Ltd. (“Advantech”) and ______________ __ (“Company”).

WHEREAS, either party (“Discloser”) may disclose to the other party (“Recipient”) certain confidential information for the purpose of ______________ __ (“Purpose”).

To protect Discloser’s interests in the information and maintain secret nature of it, the parties agree as follow:

1. “Confidential Information” in this Agreement shall mean non-public information disclosed by Discloser to Recipient for the Purpose, which is either: (i) marked or labeled with “Confidential” or “Proprietary” if the information is in written form or other tangible forms; or (ii) designated by Discloser as Confidential Information before disclosure and confirmed by written summary submitted to Recipient within 15 days from disclosure if the information is in oral, visual or other intangible forms.

2. Confidential Information shall not include any information which is or becomes:
(a) in the public domain through no fault of Recipient;
(b) lawfully obtained by Recipient from a third party who has no confidentiality obligations with regard to the information;
(c) already known to Recipient before receipt of such information from Discloser; or
(d) independently developed by Recipient.

3. Recipient agrees to abide by the followings:
(a) Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to any third party. However, Recipient may disclose Confidential Information to its employees, affiliated companies, agents or subcontractors (collectively “Authorized Persons”) only on a “need-to-know” basis for the Purpose, provided that such Authorized Persons have been advised of the secret nature of the information and entered into a non-disclosure agreement with Recipient.
(b) Recipient shall use Confidential Information only for the Purpose and shall treat Confidential Information with the same degree of care that Recipient protects its own information of secret nature, which shall not be less than the reasonable degree of care.
(c) Except for the Purpose, Recipient shall not copy or reproduce any part of Confidential Information without prior written consent of Discloser. Reproduced copies of Confidential Information shall be considered as Confidential Information.
(d) Upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information or any other breach of this Agreement, Recipient shall notify Discloser immediately and cooperate with Discloser in every reasonable way to help Discloser regain possession of Confidential Information and prevent further unauthorized use.
(e) Upon the receipt of written request from Discloser, Recipient shall promptly return or destroy (evidenced by a written certification) all copies of Confidential Information in its’ possession.

Recipient’s disclosure of Confidential Information shall not be considered as breach of its confidentiality obligations under this Agreement if:
(a) Recipient is required to disclose Confidential Information under applicable laws or a court order, provided that Recipient shall promptly give a written notice to Discloser prior to such disclosure and assist Discloser in obtaining a protective order; or
(b) Recipient obtains Discloser’s prior written approval.
Recipient shall disclose only that portion of Confidential Information which is required by law or court order to be disclosed.

4. This Agreement shall become effective from the Effective Date and shall remain in effect for two (2) years; however, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by submitting a 30-day prior written notice to the other party.
The term of Recipient’s confidentiality obligations with regard to Confidential Information hereunder shall be three (3) years after disclosure, surviving the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

5. All Confidential Information is provided "AS IS" and without any warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including but not limited to any warranties regarding its accuracy, completeness, performance or non-infringement of third party rights or its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

6. Nothing in this Agreement shall obligate Discloser to disclose any information to Recipient. Neither party shall be required to supply or purchase any products or service to or from the other party due to the execution of this Agreement.

7. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting any license or conferring any interests and rights to Recipient with regard to Confidential Information.

8. Nothing in this Confidentiality Agreement shall be construed as limiting either Party’s rights to:
(a) pursue any other business opportunities which may compete with those of the other Party;
(b) develop products or services which may compete with those involved herein;
(c) associate itself with competitors of the other Party for purposes substantially similar to the Purpose; or
(d) supply any product or service to any third party which may compete with products or services of the other Party.

9. Discloser shall be entitled to seek equitable relief, which shall not be deemed to be the exclusive remedy for a breach of this Agreement and shall be in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity.

10. Failure by any party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute waiver of or estoppel with respect to any right or remedy hereunder.

11. Amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be made in writing by the parties.

12. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

13. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior oral or written agreements, representations and understandings.

14. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan, without regard to or application of its choice of law rules or principles. If any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement cannot be settled by negotiations of the parties in good faith, such dispute shall be referred to the Taiwan Shilin District Court as first instance.

15. Each party and its legal counsel have reviewed and participated in or have had the opportunity to review and participate in the drafting of this Agreement; any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in interpreting this Agreement.

16. As used herein, “affiliated company” shall mean a legal entity that (a) directly or indirectly controls a party hereof, or (b) is controlled by a party hereof, or (c) that is under common control with a party hereof, and "control” shall mean that more than 50% of the controlled entity’s voting shares or ownership for such entity are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the controlling entity.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representative.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
這相互的非披露協定 ("協定"),並提出其進入 [___ (MM/DD/YYYY)] 日 ("生效日期") 以及研華股份有限公司 ("研華") 與 ___ __ ("公司") 之間。然而,任何一方 ("披露方") 可向對方披露方 ("收件者") 為 ___ __ ("目的") 的某些機密。若要保護資訊的披露方的利益和維護它的秘密性質,締約方同意如下:1."在本協定中的機密資訊"是指非公開披露的資料中披露給收件者為宗旨,要麼是: (i) 標記或標有"保密"或"專有"如果資訊是書面的形式或其他有形的形式;或者 (ii) 在披露前披露方指定為機密資訊並經書面提交摘要給收件者在 15 天內從披露資訊是否在口腔、 視覺或其他無形的形式。2.保密資訊不包括任何資訊或成為:(a) 在公共域通過無過錯的收件者;(b) 合法獲得的收件者從協力廠商有沒有保密義務的資訊;(c) 已知的收件者在收到此類資訊之前從披露方;或(d) 獨立開發的收件者。3.收件者同意遵守以下:(a) 機密資訊不得向任何協力廠商披露。然而,收件者可能會洩露機密資訊給其雇員、 附屬的公司、 代理人或分包商 (統稱"授權人") 只有在"需要知道"的基礎上為宗旨,這種認可人士又勸的秘密性質的資訊,並與收件者的非披露協定。(b) 收件者應僅對目的使用機密資訊和應對待保密資訊相同程度的照料與收件者保護其自己的資訊的機密性質,不應低於合理程度的照顧。(c) 除為宗旨,收件者不得複製或重現未經事先書面同意披露方的機密資訊的任何部分。機密資訊的複製的副本應視為機密資訊。(d) 一旦發現任何未經授權的使用或披露的機密資訊或任何其他違反本協定,收件者應立即通知披露並與披露方以每一個合理的方法來説明披露方收回的機密資訊,防止未經授權的使用進一步合作。(e) 收到從披露方的書面請求,收件者應及時歸還或銷毀 (證明簽發的書面證明了這一點) 中的機密資訊的所有副本及其 ' 擁有。收件者的機密資訊的披露不視為違反保密義務在本協定下如果:(a) 收件者是要求披露機密資訊,根據適用的法律或法院命令,提供收件者應及時向披露方書面的通知,這種披露前以及協助披露方獲得保護令;或(b) 收件者獲得披露方的事先書面的批准。接收方應披露只有通過法律或法院命令須披露的機密資訊的部分。4.本協定應成為有效從有效日期和實際上保持兩個 2 年;然而,任何一方應有權終止本協定,在任何時候提交 30 天事先書面聲明另一方。本合同項下的收件者的機密資訊的保密義務期限應披露,倖存的終止或本協定到期後三個 3 年。5.所有的機密資訊是提供"按原樣",沒有任何擔保,任何明示、 默示或否則為包括但不是限於任何關於其準確性、 完整性、 性能或非侵權的協力廠商權利的適售性或適合某一特定用途的保證。6.本協定的任何義務規定披露方披露給收件者的任何資訊。既不党須供應或購買任何產品或服務,或從另一方執行本協定。7.本協定的任何不得解釋為授予任何許可或授予任何利益和收件者對機密資訊的權利。8.本保密協定的什麼都不應被視為限制任何一方的權利:(a) 尋求任何可能與那些另一方; 互相競爭的商業機會(b) 制定產品或服務的可能競爭那些涉及本協定;(c) 贊同另一方的目的與宗旨; 大體上類似的競爭對手或(d) 提供任何產品或服務給任何協力廠商可能與產品互相競爭或另一方的服務。9.披露方有權尋求衡平法上的救濟,不應視為是唯一的補救措施違反本協定,不得在所有其他補救在法律或衡平法。10.任何一方未能執行本協定的任何規定不應構成的棄權或禁止反言就任何權利或補救本合同項下。11.修正或修改本協定應以書面形式由締約方。12.如果本協定的任何條款由法院有司法管轄權以無效,無效或無法執行,本協定的條款的其餘部分應保持十足效力及作用,不得以任何方式受到影響,受損或失效。13.本協定構成雙方關於主題事項達成的整份合約本協定,並取代任何及所有事先口頭或書面的協定,申述及諒解。14.本協定應受和解釋法律的臺灣,而不適用或應用程式的法律規則或原則的選擇。如果不能解決所產生的或與本協定有關的任何爭議,經雙方誠意的談判,這種爭端,應提交到臺灣士林地方法院作為第一個實例。15.每一締約方和其法律律師審查和參加或有機會審查和參與起草這項協定;建設,大意是含糊不清是對起草小組解決任何規則不適用在解釋本協定。16.由於此處所使用"附屬公司"系指 (a) 直接或間接控制一方本合同,或 (b) 本協定,一方所控制的法律實體或 (c),與方共同控制本合同,並"控制"是指控制實體的 50%以上的表決權股份或擁有權為這類實體所擁有或控制直接或間接控制的實體。 在證人本法規定,締約方雙方執行本協定由其正式授權的代表。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
這種相互保密協議(以下簡稱“協議”)已經進入了對[________________(MM / DD / YYYY)(以下簡稱“生效日”),通過與研華公司(與“研華的日期“)和______________ __(”本公司“)鑑於,任何一方(”披露“)可以透露給另一方(”接受方“)某些機密信息的______________ __(宗旨,以”目的“)。為了保護披露的權益在信息和維護它的秘密性,雙方同意如下:1。本協議中的“保密信息”係指披露披露給收件人為目的的非公開信息,這些信息可以是:(I)的標記或標籤“機密”或“專有”如果信息以書面形式或其他有形表格; 或(ii)由披露指定為披露前的保密信息,並通過信息披露在15天內提交給收件人,如果信息是在口頭,視覺或其他無形形式的書面總結證實。2。機密信息不包括這或成為任何信息:(一)通過無過錯的收件人的公共領域;(二)依法由收件人從誰擁有有關的信息不保密義務的第三方獲得;(三)已經知道收到披露這些信息之前,收件人; 或(四)獨立地由接受方開發的。3。收件人同意通過如下遵守:(一)機密信息,不得洩露給任何第三方。但是,收件人可能會透露機密信息給其僱員,關聯公司,代理或分包商(統稱為“授權人”)只有在“需要知道”的基礎上為宗旨,提供這樣的授權人已被告知的秘密進入信息性 ​​質和與收件人非公開協議。(二)接受方應只為目的使用機密資料,並應處理機密信息相同的謹慎程度收件人保護自己的秘密性質的信息,內容應不低於照顧的合理程度。(三)除為宗旨,接受方不得複製或複製任何部分機密信息未經披露方事先書面同意。保密信息的複製件應被視為機密信息。(四)一旦發現任何未經授權使用機密信息或任何其他違反本協議或公開,接受方應立即通知披露和披露在每一個合理的方式來幫助披露合作重新擁有機密資料,並防止進一步未經授權的使用。(五)在收到從披露的書面請求,接受方應立即返還或銷毀(通過書面認證證明)機密信息的所有副本的“財產。收件人洩露機密的本協議項下的信息不應被視為違反了保密義務,如果:(一)收件人須披露根據適用的法律或法庭命令保密信息,前提是接受方應立即之前披露該等書面通知,以披露和在獲得保護令協助披露; 或(二)收件人獲得披露的事先書面批准。收件人應披露只有部分是按法律規定或法院命令披露機密信息。4。本協議自生效日期起生效,並應繼續有效,兩(2)年; 但是,任何一方有權通過提交30天以書面形式通知對方終止本協議在任何時間的權利。收件人的保密義務方面的機密信息術語下文應披露後三(3)年,倖存的本協議,終止或到期5。所有的機密信息按“原樣”,沒有任何形式的擔保,明示,暗示或以其他方式,包括但不限於任何擔保對其準確性,完整性,性能或不侵犯第三方權益或它的適銷性或適用性提供用於特定目的。6。本協議中的任何內容應強制規定披露透露任何信息給收件人。任何一方都不應被要求提供或購買任何產品或服務,或從對方因本協議的執行。7。本協定的任何規定不得解釋為授予任何許可或授予給受贈人的利益和權利方面的機密信息。8。在此保密協議的任何規定不得解釋為限制任何一方的權利:(一)繼續實施它可以與另一方競爭的任何其他的商業機會;(二)開發的產品或服務可能與此參與競爭;(三)本身與另一方的目的基本相似目的的競爭對手聯繫起來; 或(d)供電的任何產品或服務可能與產品或另一方的業務競爭的任何第三方。9。披露應有權尋求公平補償,而不應被視為是對違反本協議的唯一補救措施,並應除可在普通法或衡平法的所有其他補救措施。10。未能通過任何一方執行本協議不構成放棄或禁止反言相對於任何權利或補救措施如下。的任何規定11。修訂本協議或修改由當事人以書面形式提出。12。如果本協議的任何條款被裁定有管轄權的法院是無效的,無效或無法執行,本協議的規定,其餘部分應保持十足效力及作用,不得以任何方式受到影響,削弱或失效。13 。本協議構成雙方的完整協議,就本文主題,並取代所有之前的口頭或書面協議,聲明和理解。14。本協議應受約束,並按照台灣的法律,不考慮或應用其選擇的法律規則或原則。如果所產生的或與本協議有關的任何爭議不能通過善意當事人協商解決,該爭議應提交台灣士林地方法院的一審。15。每一方及其律師已審閱並參加或有機會審查並參加本協議的起草工作; 建設任何規則的大意是含糊要對起草小組決定將在解釋本協議,並不適用16。在本文中,“關聯公司”係指(一)直接或間接控制的一方本合同,或(b)一方當事人被控制本協議,或(c)是同一控制下的一個聚會於此的法律實體,和“控制”是指,該控制實體的有表決權的股份或者擁有此類實體的超過50%的擁有或控制的,直接或間接控股的實體。為證明本協議,雙方在此已通過其正式簽署的本協議授權的代表。

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