4.2. Design factors that infuence image size.There are seven design factors that infuence the fourdimensions of image size. The first three factors concernthe screen. The screen is in a fixed position and a panel isplaced under it for printing. The height of the screenabove the panel can be adjusted by four screws. Two adjustment screws in the front can vary the Front OffContact height, which is the first design factor with lowerand upper experimental design limits of 2 and 6 mm(X1).Two adjustment screws in the back of the screen are usedto vary the Rear O Contact height, which is the seconddesign factor with limits of 2 and 6 mm(X2). The thirddesign factor is the height at which the screen peels Offfrom the panel immediately after the squeegee passes,which can be adjusted and is called Peel O with experimental design limits of 0 and 8 mm(X3).