07-112-1, BARTLETT
Dear MU,
A housekeeping, inventory and life safety equipment inspection of your unit was conducted on 11/2/2016.
Student Housing and Hospitality Services Staff determined that your unit did not meet the cleanliness, safety or inventory expectations and have NOT PASSED the inspection.
A checklist of items needing attention was left in your unit for your review and completion. This list provides estimated cleaning charges should SHHS housekeeping staff be required to address the problem points.
Please review the checklist that was left in your unit for specific details of each area that was inspected.
A second inspection has been scheduled for your unit on Tuesday, November 9th and Wednesday, November 10th between 9am and 4pm.
What happens during the follow-up inspection?
If the identified deficiencies have not been completed by the follow-up inspection date, SHHS staff will complete the work to bring the unit up to standard, and the related charges will be assessed to all the residents in the unit. Cleaning charges of $25 per hour will apply. This is the cost of labour for cleaning and follow-up administration.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Building Services Manager: Johanna Webber at johanna.webber@ubc.ca or 604.827.4049
Residence Life Manager: Joey Cheng at joey.cheng@ubc.ca or 604.827.4047
Joey Cheng
Residence Life Manager
Orchard Commons, Bartlett House | Student Housing & Hospitality Services
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
6363 Agronomy Road | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 827 4047
joey.cheng@ubc.ca | www.housing.ubc.ca
QIAO, MUqiaomu1998110@126.com07-112-1, BARTLETT Dear MU,A housekeeping, inventory and life safety equipment inspection of your unit was conducted on 11/2/2016.Student Housing and Hospitality Services Staff determined that your unit did not meet the cleanliness, safety or inventory expectations and have NOT PASSED the inspection. A checklist of items needing attention was left in your unit for your review and completion. This list provides estimated cleaning charges should SHHS housekeeping staff be required to address the problem points. Please review the checklist that was left in your unit for specific details of each area that was inspected. A second inspection has been scheduled for your unit on Tuesday, November 9th and Wednesday, November 10th between 9am and 4pm. What happens during the follow-up inspection?If the identified deficiencies have not been completed by the follow-up inspection date, SHHS staff will complete the work to bring the unit up to standard, and the related charges will be assessed to all the residents in the unit. Cleaning charges of $25 per hour will apply. This is the cost of labour for cleaning and follow-up administration.Who do I contact if I have questions?Building Services Manager: Johanna Webber at johanna.webber@ubc.ca or 604.827.4049Residence Life Manager: Joey Cheng at joey.cheng@ubc.ca or 604.827.4047 Sincerely, Joey Cheng Residence Life Manager果园共同性,巴特利特的房子 |学生住房及接待服务不列颠哥伦比亚大学 |温哥华校区6363 农学路 |不列颠哥伦比亚温哥华 |V6T 1Z4 加拿大电话 604 827 4047joey.cheng@ubc.ca |www.housing.ubc.ca