大家下午好,今天我要介紹的地方是French Polynesian。法屬玻里尼西亞是法國在南太平洋的海外集體和自治國,由幾組玻里尼西亞群島組的英文翻譯

大家下午好,今天我要介紹的地方是French Polynesian。法

大家下午好,今天我要介紹的地方是French Polynesian。法屬玻里尼西亞是法國在南太平洋的海外集體和自治國,由幾組玻里尼西亞群島組成,包括:馬克薩斯群島、社會群島、土阿莫土群島以及南方群島,於1843年歸屬法國。而他們常常吃的油封鴨和勃艮第蝸牛還有馬賽魚湯都是當地很有名的食物。在玻里尼西亞最吸引人的節慶是安納西狂歡節,在兩天半的時間裡,小鎮上到處都是戴著面具,身著華麗而神秘服飾的人們。您也可以穿著引人注目的服裝,或者和那些盛裝打扮的人合影。另外到玻里尼西亞的時候需要施打黃熱病疫苗。去玻里尼西亞是不需要簽證的可以在那邊居留90天。另外去玻里尼西亞要先從台中搭車到桃園機場之後搭飛機到布里斯班機場再轉機到奧克蘭機場,之後到大溪地航空。謝謝大家。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Hello everybody afternoon, where today I want to introduce French Polynesian. <br>French Polynesia is a French overseas Linixiya collective and autonomous country in the South Pacific by several groups of glass Linixiya Islands, including: Makesasi Islands, Society Islands, the Tuamotu Islands and Austral Islands, in 1843 French ownership. <br>And they often eat duck confit and Burgundy snails And bouillabaisse is very famous local food. <br>In most attractive glass Linixiya Annecy festival is Carnival, two days and a half years, a small town full of masked, dressed in gorgeous costumes and mysterious people. You can also wear attractive ensemble, or those who dress up photo. <br>In addition, when applied to glass Linixiya the need to fight yellow fever vaccine. <br>Devitrification Linixiya do not need a visa can stay in there for 90 days. <br>In addition to glass Linixiya first by plane ride from Taichung to Brisbane airport then transfer to Auckland airport after the Taoyuan airport, after the Air Tahiti Nui. <br>thank you all.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Good afternoon, everyone, and today I'm going to introduce French Polynesian.<br>French Polynesia is France's overseas collective and self-governing State in the South Pacific, consisting of several groups of Polynesian islands, including the Marquesas Islands, the Social Islands, the Tuamotus Islands and the Southern Islands, which belonged to France in 1843.<br>The oil-sealed ducks and Burgundy snails and masato soup, which they often eat, are well-known local food.<br>The most attractive festival in Polynesia is the Anassi Carnival, where for two and a half days the town is full of people in masks and gorgeous and mysterious costumes. You can also wear eye-catching clothing or take a photo with those who dress up.<br>In addition to Polynesia, yellow fever vaccine is required.<br>To Polynesia is not required for a visa to stay there for 90 days.<br>Also go to Polynesia to catch a ride from Taichung to Taoyuan Airport before taking a plane to Brisbane Airport and then connecting to Auckland Airport, then to Tahiti Airlines.<br>Thank you. ...
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Good afternoon, everyone. Today I'd like to introduce French Polynesian.<br>French Polynesia is an overseas collective and autonomous country of France in the South Pacific Ocean. It consists of several groups of Polynesian islands, including the Marquesas Islands, the Society Islands, the Tuamotu islands and the South Islands. It was vested in France in 1843.<br>And they often eat oil duck, Burgundy snail and Marseille fish soup are very famous local food.<br>The most attractive festival in Polynesia is the Annecy carnival. In two and a half days, the town is full of people in masks and mysterious clothes. You can also wear eye-catching clothes, or take photos with people who are dressed up.<br>In addition, when arriving in Polynesia, yellow fever vaccine is needed.<br>You don't need a visa to go to Polynesia. You can stay there for 90 days.<br>In addition, to Polynesia, you need to take a taxi from Taichung to Taoyuan airport, then take a plane to Brisbane Airport, then transfer to Auckland Airport, and then to Tahiti airport.<br>Thank you.<br>
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