SiO2, g-Al2O3, ZnO, SnO2 and WO3-ZrO2 supported
palladium catalysts were prepared by incipient-wetness or
wet impregnation methods. Commercial SiO2 (hydrophobic
silica HDK-20, BET 170 m2 g1, from Wacker) and
g-Al2O3 (T-126, BET 180 m2 g1 from Girdler) were used.
The other oxides used as supports were synthesized in our
laboratory as follows: for the preparation of ZnO aqueous
solutions of Zn(NO3)26H2Oand (NH4)2CO3 weremixed at
room temperature. After filtering and washing, solid was
dried at 373 K and then it was treated under Ar at 573 K.
SnO2 was prepared by treating under vigorous stirring an
ethanolic solution of anhydrous SnCl4 with an aqueous
solution of NH3, then solvent was evaporated at 303 K and
the solid was washed until the removing of chloride ions
was achieved. Finally, it was dried and calcined under air at
373 and 573 K, respectively. WO3-ZrO2 was prepared by a
sol–gel method, an ammonia solution of H2WO4 diluted
with n-propanol was mixed with a solution containing the
Zr(IV) precursor (Zr(IV) n-propoxide). The suspension was
aged at 343 K for 6 h, then the solid was filtered and
subsequently dried at 373 K for 16 h and calcined at 873 K
for 4 h.