Step 1: Focus on your issue and allow yourself to welcome whatever you are feeling in the NOW moment.
Step 2: Dig a little deeper to discover whether the NOW feeling comes from a sense of wanting. Ask one of the following two questions:
• Does the feeling come from wanting approval, control, security, or separation?
• What is the sense of wanting underneath this feeling?
If you’re not sure which want is underneath the feeling, or if you feel like it may be
several wants at the same time—as it often is—pick the one that you feel is dominant, is most likely, or is the one that you’d like to let go of first. Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Ask yourself one of the following three questions:
• Could I allow myself to want (approval, control, security, or separation)?
• Could I welcome wanting (approval, control, security, or separation)?
• Could I let go of wanting (approval, control, security, or separation)?