здравствуйте!!! у меня одна проблема приложение mx plaer pro версия 1.8.3 видит как вирус троян и я не могу его добавить в исключение сама функция как бы не включается телефон doogee x6pro android 5.1 спасибо!
Hello! I have one problem application mx plaer pro version 1.8.3 sees as a Trojan virus and I can't add exception function how would not turn on phone doogee android x6pro 5.1 thanks!
Hello!!! I have one problem mx plaer pro app version 1.8.3 sees as a trojan virus and I can not add it to the exclusion of the function itself as it does not turn on the phone doogee x6pro android 5.1 Thank you!
hello! !! i have one problem (mx plaer pro version 1.8.3 sees like a virus trojan, and i can't add it to the exclusion of the function would not be x6pro android phone doogee: thank you!