dear customer,although the process of analysis of your account is still ongoing, we have decided to restore its privileges for this point, we have applied a reserve fund to your account in order to check that your action plan to be put in place.the reserve will correspond to the total gross sales for 14 days. on the basis of the volume of orders, the amount of the reserve could be variations of daily living.can display the balance of his account and the amount of reserve in section payments of your account. if the balance of his account exceeds the amount of the reserve, the funds will be available on its schedule of payments.the analysis of accounts are designed to ensure the shipment on time orders and compliance with our sales policy should proceed with the management of orders, and with the publication of articles which is able to send before the date of shipment as planned. once you've completed the analysis of your account, we will send you a notification via e-mail.thank you for your patience and close cooperation.yours sincerely,vendor performanceamazon services