In addition to “morale,” Organ and Ryan (1995: 794) argue that various dispositional factors, such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, positive affectivity, and negative affectivity, “predispose people to certain orientations vis-a-vis coworkers and managers. And those orientations might well increase the likelihood of receiving treatment that they would recognize as satisfying, supportive, fair, and worthy of commitment.” Thus, these dispositional variables could be seen as indirect contributors of OCBs, rather than direct causes. An examination of Table 2 indicates that, of the dispositional variables examined in previous research, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and positive affectivity have the strongest effects. Conscientiousness and agreeableness are related significantly to both altruism and generalized compliance; and positive affectivity is related positively to altruism. However, the available evidence suggests that a substantial proportion (if not all) of these relationships may be due to common method variance. For example, Organ and Ryan (1995) found that although the correlation between conscientiousness and altruism was significant (r =.22) when all available data were included, this relationship became nonsignificant (r=.04) when studies with self-rated OCBs were excluded from the analysis. Similarly, the correlation between positive affectivity and altruism dropped from .15 (significant) to .08 (non-significant) when this bias was controlled. The same really cannot be said for the relationship between conscientiousness and generalized compliance. Indeed, although this relationship was weaker when common method variance was controlled for, it was still significant.