Damping characteristics of soils at small strains are necessary
for the solution of many soil dynamics problems, including
vibration of machine foundations, response of soil deposits
and earth structures to earthquake loads, response of marine
sediments and supported structures to ocean wave loads, and
evaluation of traffic vibration. These problems typically involve
cyclic loading, and the stress-strain behavior of soil can
be described by cyclic loops, similar to the two idealized loops
a and b given in Fig. 1. From such loops, the damping characteristics
can be evaluated by the equivalent viscous damping
ratio, A, derived by Jacobsen (1930):
Damping characteristics of soils at small strains are necessaryfor the solution of many soil dynamics problems, includingvibration of machine foundations, response of soil depositsand earth structures to earthquake loads, response of marinesediments and supported structures to ocean wave loads, andevaluation of traffic vibration. These problems typically involvecyclic loading, and the stress-strain behavior of soil canbe described by cyclic loops, similar to the two idealized loopsa and b given in Fig. 1. From such loops, the damping characteristicscan be evaluated by the equivalent viscous dampingratio, A, derived by Jacobsen (1930):