Annie’s head hurts again! It’s the third time she has had a headache at work this week. Her stomach starts to cramp and her hands sweat. Annie feels like she’s going to break down. She’s noticed that she has trouble remembering things she needs to do either at work or at home. Her headache gets worse. She fumbles around in her drawer for some pain medicine. She grabs a tablet and swallows it with water. Hopefully, she will get rid of the pain soon. Annie lays back in her chair, thinking she’s been overwhelmed with loads of work the past few months. Her recurring headaches are obviously a warning sign that there’s something wrong with her body. Looking at the potted plants on the window sills, Annie has made up her mind to take care of herself. If her life goes on like this, she’ll quit her job. She doesn’t want to climb up the career ladder at the cost of her health.1. What’s wrong with Annie? A. She has a headache. B. She has hearing loss. C. She has a toothache. D. She has a knee injury.2. What does Annie take out of her drawer? A. Pain medicine B. Cough medicine C. Cold medicine D. Stomach medicine3. What is the cause of Annie’s stress? A. She has lots of work to do. B. She can’t get along her boss. C. She has broken up with her boyfriend. D. She has just lost her job.4. What has Annie decided to do? A. She has decided to quit if she has to keep working like this. B. She has decided to get a health check-up. C. She has decided to take a month off from work. D. She has decided to keep taking medicine.