A further rummage in the box of magical clothes revealed a set
of hangers tied together with a label saying "X-ray mirror
illusion - put on all clothes before putting on overcoat." I
was intrigued. I dragged out the clothes and discovered it was
nearly two sets of clothing I took off my panties and started by
putting on the clothes for the illusion and then I put on the
overcoat. The overcoat was huge, it reached the floor, hid my
hands and I could only just see over the upright collar. I looked
in the mirror and was disappointed to see only me in an oversize
overcoat. I thought for a moment and realized that the effect had
to start that way so there had to be a way to activate the
illusion. I felt in the pockets and found a small controller
consisting of a switch and slider with a thin wire leading back
into the pocket. The switch was in the 'off' position and the
slider was fully to the top. I tried the slider and found that
instead of being smooth it moved in steps. I slid the slider back
to the top and switched the switch to the on position. As I
expected nothing happened. I moved the slider one notch, there
was no sensation or indication that anything had happened I
looked down and could see the overcoat and feel the weight and
bulk of it. I looked in the mirror and was surprised to see the
long-sleeved ankle-length dress I had on under the overcoat, but
no overcoat. I moved to check that it really was my reflection.
The reflection acted correctly but it seemed to have shed the
overcoat I was still wearing. I moved the slider to the second
notch and saw the dress vanish to reveal the blouse and skirt I
was wearing under the dress. I slowly slid the slider from notch
two to notch three. I was fascinate as in the mirror the skirt
and blouse became transparent and then vanished completely. My
image stood their in a full-length slip. The next notch vanished
the slip to reveal bra and panties on my reflection. I felt no
odd sensations but the strange situation struck me as peculiar, I
stood in front of the mirror in two layers of underwear, two
layers of clothes and a massive over coat (in fact I was get
quite warm) and my opposite number in the mirror stood there in
her scanties.