POSTOPERATIVE THERAPY I. Consult with surgeon regarding intraoperative AROM/PROM, condition of the tendon, status of the pulley system, as well as any additional procedure performed (e.g., pulley reconstruction, capsulectomy). II. Pulley reconstruction protectionA. Identify areas of pulley reconstruction. B. Protect by circumferential Velcro/thermoplastic ring until edema is under control, and then with a thermoplastic ring (Fig. 19-2). III. Program for good-quality tendons A. Hours 12 to 24 through first postoperative week (inflammation phase of wound healing) 1. Splint a. Forearm-based progressive extension or static extension (Fig. 19-3) is worn day and night for 2 weeks, removed for exercise and wound care. b. Indications3 (1) To prevent flexion contractures (2) To protect weakened tendons (3) To rest tissues between exercise sessions. c. Precautions3 (1) Caution patient to avoid pulling or flexion against splint, to avoid early resistance and possible tendon rupture.