Electromagnetic wave is a kind of energy, which has been developed as a form of healing for self-healing materials. Microwave is a kind of electromagnetic wave, and it can be converted into heat in medium [99,100]. Meanwhile, graphene can couple efficiently and rapidly with microwave and are considered as excellent microwave energy absorber [22,23]. So self-healing materials repaired by microwave have successively been published [7,8,58,65,70,84,85]. For example, Wong CP [58] developed a covalently cross-linked reduced functionalized graphene oxide/polyure-thane (RFGO/PU) composites based on Diels-Alder (DA) chemistry with excellent microwave healable properties. In addition, Huang Y et al. [7] prepared graphene-thermoplastic polyurethane composites healed with microwave through heat-induced the motion of a molecular segment (Fig. 7). Microwave can couple with graphene to promote heat generation, so that D-A bond can be reversibly changed and polymer segments can be wetted, moved and intertwined to achieve self-healing.
電磁波是一種能量,它已經發展成為治愈的自我修復材料的形式。微波是一種電磁波的,並且它可以在培養基[99100]被轉換成熱。同時,石墨烯可以耦高效且迅速地與微波爐和被認為是優異的微波能量吸收器[22,23]。因此,通過微波修復自愈材料相繼被公佈[7,8,58,65,70,84,85]。例如,黃CP [58]開發了一種共價交聯的官能化還原氧化石墨烯/ polyure-塔內(RFGO / PU)的基礎上狄爾斯 - 阿爾德複合材料(DA)化學具有優良的微波healable性質。此外,黃Y等。[7]通過分子鏈段(圖7)的熱誘導的運動用微波癒合製備的石墨烯的熱塑性聚氨酯複合材料。

電磁波是一種能量,已發展成為自愈資料的一種癒合形式。微波是一種電磁波,在介質中可以轉化為熱[99100]。同時,石墨烯能高效、快速地與微波耦合,被認為是優秀的微波能量吸收劑[22,23]。囙此,微波修復自愈資料已相繼問世[7,8,58,65,70,84,85]。例如,Wong CP[58]開發了一種基於Diels-Alder(DA)化學的共價交聯還原功能化氧化石墨烯/聚乙烷(RFGO/PU)複合材料,具有優异的微波可治愈性。此外,Huang Y等人。[7]製備石墨烯熱塑性聚氨酯複合材料,通過微波加熱使分子鏈運動(圖7)。微波可以與石墨烯結合促進熱量的產生,從而使D-A鍵發生可逆的變化,聚合物段可以被潤濕、移動和纏繞以實現自愈。<br>