buenas noches
nuestra empresa va a realizar por 1ra ves importaciones de neumáticos
Si, tenemos el rubro de importadores y como servicio de ventas de llantas , ademas para poder realizar el envío tenemos que certificar que cada llanta llegue con sus codificaciones exactas como el DOT
El nombre de la empresa es "Llantas & Serv. Ferroa´s EIRL
con N° de RUC 20536720945
Lo que pretendemos es ser distribuidores de su marca , pero como recien estamos empezando queremos saber los costos ,
Debido a que aquí hay importadores que tienen precios con los costos incluidos los impuestos de aduanas (TAX´s) costos de agencia de aduana (Brokers) almacenaje , agencia de carga , y otros ......
Y sus precios son cómodos , yendo a lo real la inversión para comenzar y probar su Marca que hemos vistos que ya a ingresado a Perú como
es de USD$ 10,000.00 Precio CIF
es por ello que necesitamos de su logística para evaluar que cantidad podemos como minimo podremos adquirir en unidades de llantas
y así como también responsabilidades en cubrir costos desde estado de mercancía , embarcadores y demás....
Espero pueda comprender el texto.... si tiene alguien que pueda hablar en español seria genial la fluidez en el dialogo y trato.
esperamos de su gentil respuesta
saludos cordiales
Good nightour company will perform for 1st see imports of tyres Yes, we have the category of importers and as sales of tire service, in addition to shipping have to certify that each tire reaches its exact encodings as the DOT The name of the company is "tires & service. Ferroa´s EIRLn ° of RUC 20536720945What we want is to be your brand dealers, but as we are just starting we want to know the costs, Since importers that have prices with costs including taxes of Customs (TAX´s) there are costs of Agency of Customs (Brokers) storage, freight forwarder, and others...And their prices are comfortable going to the real investment to start and test your brand, which we have seen already to entered Peru as Maxxis WestlakeAeolusis USD$ 10,000.00 CIF pricefor this reason we need your logistics to assess that amount can as minimum we can purchase in units of tiresand as well as responsibilities also cover costs from State of merchandise, important and other...I hope to understand the text... If you have someone who can speak in Spanish would be great fluidity in the dialogue and try to. We hope for your kind responsebest regards

Good nightOur company will perform for the first See Imports of TyresYes, we have the category of Importers and Sales Service of Tires, in addition to Sending must certify that each Rim Comes With its exact encodings as the dotThe company name is "rims & serv. Ferroa´s EIRLWith no 20536720945 RUCWe are Distributors of the brand, but as we are just starting, we want to know the costBecause there are Importers that have cost price including taxes (Customs tax´s) Agency costs (Customs brokers) Storage, Cargo Agency, and other...And their prices are comfortable going to the real investment to start and Test your brand we have seen that already entered PeruMaxxisWestlakeAeolusCIF price is USD $10000.00That is why we need to evaluate the logistics amount can at least can acquire in units of wheelsAnd as well as responsibilities to cover costs of goods from State, Shippers and other...I hope you can understand the text. If you have someone who can talk in english would be great fluency in dialogue and treatment.We hope your kind responseCordial Greetings