le présent additif regroupe de nouvelles dispositions applicables au référentiel de certification CSTBat 15-1 « Canalisations de distribution ou d’évacuation des eaux » révision N°11 (intégration de la norme ISO 9001 version 2015)
the present addendum includes new provisions to the repository of certification CSTBat 15-1 "distribution or drainage pipes' review N ° 11(integration of the standard ISO 9001 version 2015)
This addendum includes new provisions to the repository CSTBat certification 15-1 "Pipe distribution or drainage" revision # 11 (integration of ISO 9001 version 2015)
this addendum contains new provisions applicable to the system15 (1) "certification cstbat distribution lines or drain" review 11(integration of the iso 9001 standard version in 2015)