00:00:11,950 --> 00:00:18,180
this is how loud sorry shop for editing
on one screen I want as much real estate
00:00:18,180 --> 00:00:23,480
area from image as possible so I keep
everything on one side and just have my
00:00:23,480 --> 00:00:35,610
tools my properties adjustments like his
action history normally run some rules I
00:00:35,610 --> 00:00:40,200
need to do some guideline work and
that's pretty much all keep it as simple
00:00:40,200 --> 00:00:41,500
as possible
00:00:41,500 --> 00:00:48,080
again as much real estate for the images
I can get this one more thing I like to
00:00:48,080 --> 00:00:52,720
set up when I'm doing my life and that
is to set one of my screens to do Heike
00:00:52,720 --> 00:00:58,570
work so by totaling through my afk we
have a standard screen we have a full
00:00:58,570 --> 00:01:04,220
screen women you and full screen without
menu now with this screen like to set
00:01:04,220 --> 00:01:10,729
this up so the background color is what
not grey so I can see the age of my body
00:01:10,729 --> 00:01:14,909
image so we can do this simply we've got
a whole heap of colors we can toggle
00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:20,060
through for some reason the one color
they don't have which are likely need to
00:01:20,060 --> 00:01:23,920
set up a custom color so I'll go down
and do that I don't want pure white
00:01:23,920 --> 00:01:29,560
which is 255 parts red green and blue
which has seen the sitting now
00:01:29,560 --> 00:01:35,380
ok you'll see that now you cannot see
the edges of my image if I grab my
00:01:35,380 --> 00:01:43,509
paintbrush and stop painting you'll see
you can see I put up the age of that so
00:01:43,509 --> 00:01:47,219
you can see that on the white page we
would see in age but if once we jump
00:01:47,219 --> 00:01:52,659
back to a normal screen we can tell
their age would have been white for this
00:01:52,659 --> 00:01:57,009
is how I set up my layout for Photoshop
now go and show you some of the tools I
00:01:57,009 --> 00:01:57,060
100:00:11,950--> 00:00:18,180这是多么响亮抱歉店进行编辑在一个屏幕上,我想尽可能多房地产200:00:18,180--> 00:00:23,480从图像尽可能使我保持地区一切在一侧,只需要我300:00:23,480--> 00:00:35,610像他的工具我属性调整行动历史通常运行一些规则我400:00:35,610--> 00:00:40,200需要做一些准则工作和这就是几乎所有保持它作为简单500:00:40,200--> 00:00:41,500尽可能600:00:41,500--> 00:00:48,080再一次作为多房地产的图像我可以得到我喜欢这一件事700:00:48,080--> 00:00:52,720设置当我正在和我的生命设置我的屏幕做海克之一就是800:00:52,720--> 00:00:58,570工作所以由禀通过我 afk 我们我们有一个完整的标准屏幕900:00:58,570--> 00:01:04,220妇女的屏幕,你和没有全屏现在与此屏幕菜单想设置1000:01:04,220--> 00:01:10,729这最多,因此,背景颜色是什么不是灰色所以我可以看到我的身体年龄1100:01:10,729--> 00:01:14,909所以我们可以做这只是我们的形象我们可以切换的颜色一大堆1200:01:14,909--> 00:01:20,060通过对某些原因一种颜色他们没有,可能须注意1300:01:20,060--> 00:01:23,920设置自定义颜色,所以我会去我不想纯白色1400:01:23,920--> 00:01:29,560这是 255 件红色绿色和蓝色which has seen the sitting now1500:01:29,560 --> 00:01:35,380ok you'll see that now you cannot seethe edges of my image if I grab my1600:01:35,380 --> 00:01:43,509paintbrush and stop painting you'll seeyou can see I put up the age of that so1700:01:43,509 --> 00:01:47,219you can see that on the white page wewould see in age but if once we jump1800:01:47,219 --> 00:01:52,659back to a normal screen we can telltheir age would have been white for this1900:01:52,659 --> 00:01:57,009is how I set up my layout for Photoshopnow go and show you some of the tools I2000:01:57,009 --> 00:01:57,060use