Dear mom and dad:
This is the first time I write to you, I want to write down my heart.
You as I spent many a sleepless night, you to how many tears I shed. Youorder me to pay how much, I could never repay you, I also know, you musthave thought I return you what, but I will never forget, when you get old I willwith the greatest ability to repay you, when I grew up in the sun, but you willgradually aging, worry and sorrow make wrinkles climb up you be light of heart from care face.
Mom and Dad, in your care, I have spent ten years full of joy. You arealways the best thing for me. I have a nice bedroom, exquisite learningactivities, the school outstanding conditions. I like the fairy tale "little princess", be light of heart from care growth. Mom and Dad, I want to say to you, you are very good to me.