BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The low density of lung tissue causes a reduced
attenuation of photons and an increased range of secondary electrons, which is
inaccurately predicted by the algorithms incorporated in some commonly available
treatment planning systems (TPSs). This study evaluates the differences in dose
in normal lung tissue computed using a simple and a more correct algorithm. We
also studied the consequences of these differences on the dose-effect relations
for radiation-induced lung injury.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The treatment plans of 68 lung cancer patients initially
produced in a TPS using a calculation model that incorporates the equivalent-path
length (EPL) inhomogeneity-correction algorithm, were recalculated in a TPS with
the convolution-superposition (CS) algorithm. The higher accuracy of the CS
algorithm is well-established. Dose distributions in lung were compared using
isodoses, dose-volume histograms (DVHs), the mean lung dose (MLD) and the
percentage of lung receiving >20 Gy (V20). Published dose-effect relations for
local perfusion changes and radiation pneumonitis were re-evaluated.
RESULTS: Evaluation of isodoses showed a consistent overestimation of the dose at
the lung/tumor boundary by the EPL algorithm of about 10%. This overprediction of
dose was also reflected in a consistent shift of the EPL DVHs for the lungs
towards higher doses. The MLD, as determined by the EPL and CS algorithm,
differed on average by 17+/-4.5% (+/-1SD). For V20, the average difference was
12+/-5.7% (+/-1SD). For both parameters, a strong correlation was found between
the EPL and CS algorithms yielding a straightforward conversion procedure.
Re-evaluation of the dose-effect relations showed that lung complications occur
at a 12-14% lower dose. The values of the TD(50) parameter for local perfusion
reduction and radiation pneumonitis changed from 60.5 and 34.1 Gy to 51.1 and
29.2 Gy, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: A simple tissue inhomogeneity-correction algorithm like the EPL
overestimates the dose to normal lung tissue. Dosimetric parameters for lung
injury (e.g. MLD, V20) computed using both algorithms are strongly correlated
making an easy conversion feasible. Dose-effect relations should be refitted when
more accurate dose data is available.