Benefits of exercise
consume too many calories the body, help lose weight or maintain adequate weight
improve heart and lung function, promote blood circulation
to reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes and other chronic diseases of the opportunity to
enhance the body immunity, reduce the chance of illness
strong bones, prevention of osteoporosis
to help improve body type, strong muscles
help gymnastics, reduce back pain and
increase joint flexibility and body, make more flexible, reducing the chance of injury
to make sleep better, be more fully rest
it is more vitality, more spiritual and more eye-catching, learning and work more efficiently
to help relax, clear reading or work to bring mental stress
help increase endurance, exercise a strong will, courage to face the challenge
to help increase self-confidence, develop a healthy self-image
offer to share with family or friends having fun opportunity to promote feelings of everyone
the opportunity to meet new friends and learn the spirit of cooperation in group activities in
boredom, spend time
with and let you happy, fun, fun, exciting feeling