00:00:05,720 --> 00:00:15,320
is here again I'm going to show you the
00:00:15,320 --> 00:00:22,369
demonstration of what I just said in
previous chapter regarding restoration
00:00:22,369 --> 00:00:27,769
and different type of flashes and the
fact that we do not freeze action with
00:00:27,769 --> 00:00:35,870
shutter speed so it will be quick shop
real shot you'll see the result because
00:00:35,870 --> 00:00:41,560
I was with integrity also result on the
white room which are useful to the
00:00:41,560 --> 00:00:48,170
recruiting and we'll go from there so
let me show you the white and super
00:00:48,170 --> 00:00:55,550
quick easy shooting table with white
plastic on it
00:00:55,550 --> 00:00:58,730
glass on it
00:00:58,730 --> 00:01:10,320
cameras here the light source the only
one I sort of health is here I'll be
00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:17,920
using three different type of strobes to
show you how they work differently and
00:01:17,920 --> 00:01:25,780
each throw will have agreed to create a
spot on the diffuser and if user will be
00:01:25,780 --> 00:01:33,780
between subject and my source this is a
simpler stop for any clear liquid not
00:01:33,780 --> 00:01:41,190
only with any clear basically subject
because glass water everything clear
00:01:41,190 --> 00:01:47,110
will usually look pretty nice when you
have light come through it in the UK
00:01:47,110 --> 00:01:55,580
like the ground and you'll see you'll
see what will happened all that
00:01:55,580 --> 00:02:00,440
wonderful actor on top of everything
just to help will come
00:02:00,440 --> 00:02:06,710
from the front again it's fine not to
have any leads from the front when you
00:02:06,710 --> 00:02:13,760
shoot liquid like water but it it should
work fine
00:02:13,760 --> 00:02:24,320
the camera I use Canon 5d Mark 222 my
pixel camera hundred millimeter camera
00:02:24,320 --> 00:02:33,930
2.0 a male micrograms I don't before use
macro lenses in studio this macro lens
00:02:33,930 --> 00:02:41,080
well it's good that only the better when
I know from Canon 880 millimeters 3.5
00:02:41,080 --> 00:02:48,320
Markham same grape lands but that
hundred 80 millimetres is a true gift
00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:54,530
it's great lengths but hundred would
respond its guidelines and again I just
00:02:54,530 --> 00:02:56,170
additional information for you
00:02:56,170 --> 00:03:06,810
marvin is anyone who work for the kind
of shocked so I will use white light X
00:03:06,810 --> 00:03:16,209
1600 this is one of the most lives in
years because it's not expensive it's a
00:03:16,209 --> 00:03:28,270
really powerful it has 640 what second
tort second was put here and that's good
00:03:28,270 --> 00:03:35,640
light I started with them long time ago
I used quite extensively in studio and
00:03:35,640 --> 00:03:43,190
these days I'm not using them at all cuz
I switch to digital einstein's possible
00:03:43,190 --> 00:03:44,950
fines times
00:03:44,950 --> 00:03:51,500
and I'll show you where I switched so
this light will be mounted behind our
00:03:51,500 --> 00:04:01,640
values court to synchronize discover
there is a while synchronizer thru Cyber
00:04:01,640 --> 00:04:10,890
part I them I had them but I saw them
anyway let me show you the whole process
00:04:10,890 --> 00:04:23,250
right arm
00:04:23,250 --> 00:04:46,100
light on the pollution where are you
want them like modifier goes here
00:04:46,100 --> 00:04:58,680
the power level let's start from
somewhere one sort or full power
00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:05,340
I'm putting my
00:05:05,340 --> 00:05:14,210
to turn on the camera on my Lightroom
00:05:14,210 --> 00:05:21,199
protruding and you will see results on
picture-in-picture talking already
00:05:21,199 --> 00:05:23,690
everything is set
00:05:23,690 --> 00:05:30,630
camera manual mode I mean they're
shooting mode one of two hundredth of a
00:05:30,630 --> 00:05:42,550
second shutter speed 16 of 16 that's
about how much I need for food on given
00:05:42,550 --> 00:05:50,050
distance given medication for the glass
which I don't be pouring water in
00:05:50,050 --> 00:06:02,160
obviously only 90 focus where you can
come out of the focus when he shoots to
00:06:02,160 --> 00:06:07,210
life subject no need because it may who
knows because of changing light
00:06:07,210 --> 00:06:13,080
conditions of the focus my frail and it
will even if it was on the focus before
00:06:13,080 --> 00:06:19,570
his shift and you can get out of focus
image that some of the sequence shots so
00:06:19,570 --> 00:06:24,810
are you are you are with Sacramento
focus focus manually by looking at the
00:06:24,810 --> 00:06:30,789
camera or I can throw out the camera
consider after four let focus and then
00:06:30,789 --> 00:06:34,710
switch back to menu also to be fixed
because it's still like nothing is more
00:06:34,710 --> 00:06:41,289
surprised so many focus 116
00:06:41,289 --> 00:06:49,590
see what will happen if we should
without flash I just disconnected strong
00:06:49,590 --> 00:06:55,440
from the camera you see the hell I'd
relatively bright light and studio and
00:06:55,440 --> 00:07:01,940
I'm going to shoot right
00:07:01,940 --> 00:07:09,650
the shop
00:07:09,650 --> 00:07:17,180
and it's black it's giving exporters
00:07:17,180 --> 00:07:23,660
I saw one hundred I was trying to shoot
basic to make if I so for the sensor to
00:07:23,660 --> 00:07:32,000
preserve quality without flash all this
light doesn't have any role even there
00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:37,380
you see the sport Eurosport on the
issues of this is modern life obviously
00:07:37,380 --> 00:07:44,070
it's not enough that's why basically
you're not using the shopper to
00:07:44,070 --> 00:07:48,690
re-election because if something is one
of two hundredth of a second but first
00:07:48,690 --> 00:07:55,590
duration will be what's a one of four
thousand or second you understand what
00:07:55,590 --> 00:08:02,730
exposure will be effective exposure time
will be equal to one thousandth of a
00:08:02,730 --> 00:08:22,790
second the rest i'm open til it's done
it's not so let me connect are strong
00:08:22,790 --> 00:08:39,599
and should it's not coming for some
reason it seems
00:08:39,599 --> 00:08:47,940
one letter left of the really really
cool one issue that was like coming
00:08:47,940 --> 00:08:54,110
through many highlights from the ground
by the way will keep for you you see the
00:08:54,110 --> 00:08:59,709
background you see how little harder on
the ground
00:08:59,709 --> 00:09:07,060
this is from these diffuser powerful
interest in fact for you this is why we
00:09:07,060 --> 00:09:15,579
have white diffuser but because no other
lied or strobe is highlighting basically
00:09:15,579 --> 00:09:25,829
it's dark that's how you can easily make
white be black right no lights on it and
00:09:25,829 --> 00:09:32,540
that's why I like any light my fire
which lets me control of the light
00:09:32,540 --> 00:09:38,790
spread like honeycomb grid that has
brought the rest is dark because no
00:09:38,790 --> 00:09:43,630
light coming from the flesh to eat the
same for the table
00:09:43,630 --> 00:09:55,360
anyway let's try to pour some water and
catch the shop and you see how to so I
00:09:55,360 --> 00:10:04,569
got just regular tap water and I'll be
triggering my hand economizing it's
00:10:04,569 --> 00:10:06,780
possible to use
00:10:06,780 --> 00:10:14,160
different devices to trigger a camera
but for this demonstration it should
00:10:14,160 --> 00:10:27,110
work like this but at least be able to
catch something like a knife with me do
00:10:27,110 --> 00:10:28,710
you more
00:10:28,710 --> 00:11:03,830
00:11:03,830 --> 00:11:18,880
it's not what they coming here I just
want to show you how it looked like
00:11:18,880 --> 00:11:29,090
let's see this sort of problem here it's
kind of nice even though we see the
00:11:29,090 --> 00:11:32,690
motion law but it's not nice at all
00:11:32,690 --> 00:11:40,460
place like this not modified looks
really good but when magnified receive
00:11:40,460 --> 00:11:52,620
that its all goood effective interest in
playing here in blue
00:11:52,620 --> 00:11:59,990
here for artistic approach it's fine but
when you should commercially when you
00:11:59,990 --> 00:12:04,940
shoot with you know for client obviously
this place should be frozen and look
00:12:04,940 --> 00:12:11,310
like so it doesn't work it simply
doesn't work there's like left live
00:12:11,310 --> 00:12:22,700
camera and exposure as I'm not going to
touch it so let's change the strong
00:12:22,700 --> 00:12:33,020
going to put their Einstein same power
641 second but this is just lost all
00:12:33,020 --> 00:12:42,110
meaning I can control Federation and
it's much shorter so I'm going to play
100:00:05,720--> 00:00:15,320又在这里我要告诉你示范200:00:15,320--> 00:00:22,369我刚才所说的在示范前一章关于恢复300:00:22,369--> 00:00:27,769和不同类型的闪光和我们不冻结与行动的事实400:00:27,769--> 00:00:35,870快门速度,所以它会快店实拍你会看到结果因为500:00:35,870--> 00:00:41,560我是用诚信也导致对白色的房间里,这是有用的600:00:41,560--> 00:00:48,170招聘,我们会去从那里所以让我告诉你的白色和超级700:00:48,170--> 00:00:55,550快速容易射击与白表在上面的塑料800:00:55,550--> 00:00:58,730在上面的玻璃900:00:58 730--> 00:01:10,320相机的唯一光源一个排序的健康是我会在这里1000:01:10,320--> 00:01:17,920使用三个不同类型的频闪灯到告诉你它们是如何以不同的方式和1100:01:17 920--> 00:01:25,780每个扔将已同意创建上扩压器的地方,如果用户将1200:01:25,780--> 00:01:33,780这是主题与我的源之间任何清澈的液体不的简单停止1300:01:33,780--> 00:01:41,190只有与任何明确基本主题因为玻璃水一切清晰1400:01:41,190--> 00:01:47,110将通常看起来很好当你在英国有光来通过它1500:01:47,110 --> 00:01:55,580like the ground and you'll see you'llsee what will happened all that1600:01:55,580 --> 00:02:00,440wonderful actor on top of everythingjust to help will come1700:02:00,440 --> 00:02:06,710from the front again it's fine not tohave any leads from the front when you1800:02:06,710 --> 00:02:13,760shoot liquid like water but it it shouldwork fine1900:02:13,760 --> 00:02:24,320the camera I use Canon 5d Mark 222 mypixel camera hundred millimeter camera2000:02:24,320 --> 00:02:33,9302.0 a male micrograms I don't before usemacro lenses in studio this macro lens2100:02:33,930 --> 00:02:41,080well it's good that only the better whenI know from Canon 880 millimeters 3.52200:02:41,080 --> 00:02:48,320Markham same grape lands but thathundred 80 millimetres is a true gift2300:02:48,320 --> 00:02:54,530it's great lengths but hundred wouldrespond its guidelines and again I just2400:02:54,530 --> 00:02:56,170additional information for you2500:02:56,170 --> 00:03:06,810marvin is anyone who work for the kindof shocked so I will use white light X2600:03:06,810 --> 00:03:16,2091600 this is one of the most lives inyears because it's not expensive it's a2700:03:16,209 --> 00:03:28,270really powerful it has 640 what secondtort second was put here and that's good2800:03:28,270 --> 00:03:35,640light I started with them long time agoI used quite extensively in studio and2900:03:35,640 --> 00:03:43,190these days I'm not using them at all cuzI switch to digital einstein's possible3000:03:43,190 --> 00:03:44,950fines times3100:03:44,950 --> 00:03:51,500and I'll show you where I switched sothis light will be mounted behind our3200:03:51,500 --> 00:04:01,640values court to synchronize discoverthere is a while synchronizer thru Cyber3300:04:01,640 --> 00:04:10,890part I them I had them but I saw themanyway let me show you the whole process3400:04:10,890 --> 00:04:23,250right arm3500:04:23,250 --> 00:04:46,100light on the pollution where are youwant them like modifier goes here3600:04:46,100 --> 00:04:58,680the power level let's start fromsomewhere one sort or full power3700:04:58,680 --> 00:05:05,340I'm putting my3800:05:05,340 --> 00:05:14,210to turn on the camera on my Lightroom3900:05:14,210 --> 00:05:21,199protruding and you will see results onpicture-in-picture talking already4000:05:21,199 --> 00:05:23,690everything is set4100:05:23,690 --> 00:05:30,630camera manual mode I mean they'reshooting mode one of two hundredth of a4200:05:30,630 --> 00:05:42,550second shutter speed 16 of 16 that'sabout how much I need for food on given4300:05:42,550 --> 00:05:50,050distance given medication for the glasswhich I don't be pouring water in4400:05:50,050 --> 00:06:02,160obviously only 90 focus where you cancome out of the focus when he shoots to4500:06:02,160 --> 00:06:07,210life subject no need because it may whoknows because of changing light4600:06:07,210 --> 00:06:13,080conditions of the focus my frail and itwill even if it was on the focus before4700:06:13,080 --> 00:06:19,570his shift and you can get out of focusimage that some of the sequence shots so4800:06:19,570 --> 00:06:24,810are you are you are with Sacramentofocus focus manually by looking at the4900:06:24,810 --> 00:06:30,789camera or I can throw out the cameraconsider after four let focus and then5000:06:30,789 --> 00:06:34,710switch back to menu also to be fixedbecause it's still like nothing is more5100:06:34,710 --> 00:06:41,289surprised so many focus 1165200:06:41,289 --> 00:06:49,590see what will happen if we shouldwithout flash I just disconnected strong5300:06:49,590 --> 00:06:55,440from the camera you see the hell I'drelatively bright light and studio and5400:06:55,440 --> 00:07:01,940I'm going to shoot right5500:07:01,940 --> 00:07:09,650the shop5600:07:09,650 --> 00:07:17,180and it's black it's giving exporters5700:07:17,180 --> 00:07:23,660I saw one hundred I was trying to shootbasic to make if I so for the sensor to5800:07:23,660 --> 00:07:32,000preserve quality without flash all thislight doesn't have any role even there5900:07:32,000 --> 00:07:37,380you see the sport Eurosport on theissues of this is modern life obviously6000:07:37,380 --> 00:07:44,070it's not enough that's why basicallyyou're not using the shopper to6100:07:44,070 --> 00:07:48,690re-election because if something is oneof two hundredth of a second but first6200:07:48,690 --> 00:07:55,590duration will be what's a one of fourthousand or second you understand what6300:07:55,590 --> 00:08:02,730exposure will be effective exposure timewill be equal to one thousandth of a6400:08:02,730 --> 00:08:22,790second the rest i'm open til it's doneit's not so let me connect are strong6500:08:22,790 --> 00:08:39,599and should it's not coming for somereason it seems6600:08:39,599 --> 00:08:47,940one letter left of the really reallycool one issue that was like coming6700:08:47,940 --> 00:08:54,110through many highlights from the groundby the way will keep for you you see the6800:08:54,110 --> 00:08:59,709background you see how little harder onthe ground6900:08:59,709 --> 00:09:07,060this is from these diffuser powerfulinterest in fact for you this is why we7000:09:07,060 --> 00:09:15,579have white diffuser but because no otherlied or strobe is highlighting basically7100:09:15,579 --> 00:09:25,829it's dark that's how you can easily makewhite be black right no lights on it and7200:09:25,829 --> 00:09:32,540that's why I like any light my firewhich lets me control of the light7300:09:32,540 --> 00:09:38,790spread like honeycomb grid that hasbrought the rest is dark because no7400:09:38,790 --> 00:09:43,630light coming from the flesh to eat thesame for the table7500:09:43,630 --> 00:09:55,360anyway let's try to pour some water andcatch the shop and you see how to so I7600:09:55,360 --> 00:10:04,569got just regular tap water and I'll betriggering my hand economizing it's7700:10:04,569 --> 00:10:06,780possible to use7800:10:06,780 --> 00:10:14,160different devices to trigger a camerabut for this demonstration it should7900:10:14,160 --> 00:10:27,110work like this but at least be able tocatch something like a knife with me do8000:10:27,110 --> 00:10:28,710you more8100:10:28,710 --> 00:11:03,830ok8200:11:03,830 --> 00:11:18,880it's not what they coming here I justwant to show you how it looked like8300:11:18,880 --> 00:11:29,090let's see this sort of problem here it'skind of nice even though we see the8400:11:29,090 --> 00:11:32,690motion law but it's not nice at all8500:11:32,690 --> 00:11:40,460place like this not modified looksreally good but when magnified receive8600:11:40,460 --> 00:11:52,620that its all goood effective interest inplaying here in blue8700:11:52,620 --> 00:11:59,990here for artistic approach it's fine butwhen you should commercially when you8800:11:59,990 --> 00:12:04,940shoot with you know for client obviouslythis place should be frozen and look8900:12:04,940 --> 00:12:11,310like so it doesn't work it simplydoesn't work there's like left live9000:12:11,310 --> 00:12:22,700camera and exposure as I'm not going totouch it so let's change the strong9100:12:22,700 --> 00:12:33,020going to put their Einstein same power641 second but this is just lost all9200:12:33,020 --> 00:12:42,110meaning I can control Federation andit's much shorter so I'm going to play
