{Important|Essential|Necessary|Vital} {Facts|Details|Information|Info}的繁體中文翻譯


{Important|Essential|Necessary|Vital} {Facts|Details|Information|Info} That You {Should|Ought to} Know

{In the|Within the} {recent|current|latest} {past|previous}, {running shoes|trainers} with toes have gained {a lot of|lots of|plenty of|loads of|numerous|a whole lot of|a number of|a variety of|quite a lot of} {popularity|reputation|recognition} {because of|due to} their {ability|capability|capacity|potential|means|skill} {to provide|to offer|to supply} {a quality|a top quality|a high quality} barefoot {running|operating|working} {experience|expertise}, {known|recognized|identified} to be {the appropriate|the suitable} {running|operating|working} {technique|method|approach} for good {health|well being}. {Because you|Since you} are used to the cushioned {effect|impact} {available|out there|obtainable|accessible} with {running shoes|trainers}, {using|utilizing} these toe {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {could|might|may} take some getting used to. {Further|Additional}, {while|whereas} {running|operating|working} in these {shoes|footwear|sneakers}, {you are|you're|you might be} {likely to|more likely to|prone to} {experience|expertise} the roughness of the terrain you run on, which your soles {are not|aren't|usually are not|will not be|aren't|are usually not|should not} {prepared|ready} for.

{Based|Based mostly|Primarily based} on the Newton {Company|Firm}, {the easiest|the simplest|the best} {method|technique|methodology} to run {is thru|is through} {running|operating|working} with shorter strides and {landing|touchdown} {about the|concerning the|in regards to the} balls of the ft. This they've {discovered|found} in watching {top|prime|high} rated {sports|sports activities} athletes {and through|and thru} {careful|cautious} {research|analysis} {by using|through the use of|by utilizing} {today|right now|at present|at this time|as we speak|at the moment|in the present day|immediately|right this moment}'s {technology|know-how|expertise}.

{But|However} theories {regarding|relating to|concerning} {the manner|the way|the style} {in which|by which|during which|through which|wherein} one {should|ought to} run, or the {actual|precise} {running|operating|working} {technique|method|approach} are {diverse|numerous|various}, in {number|quantity} and in opinion. {While|Whereas} {health|well being} and {fitness|health} {experts|specialists|consultants} {suggest|recommend|counsel} {that it is the|that it's the} {running shoes|trainers} that make {all the|all of the} {difference|distinction}, {another|one other} group is of {the opposite|the other|the alternative} opinion. This group {suggests that|means that} {running|operating|working} barefoot is {the key|the important thing} to good {health|well being}, and that {it is|it's} {this technique|this system|this method} that makes {the entire|the whole|the complete|all the|your complete|your entire} {running|operating|working} {process|course of} {more|extra} {beneficial|useful|helpful} for the {body|physique}.

{Based|Based mostly|Primarily based} on this {theory|concept|principle|idea}, {several|a number of} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {that have|which have} {specific|particular} toe slots have been designed and are popularly {known as|generally known as|often known as|referred to as|often called} toe {shoes|footwear|sneakers} or glove {shoes|footwear|sneakers}. {Research|Analysis} has {shown|proven} that {those who|those that} {utilize|make the most of} {specific|particular} {running shoes|trainers} have a footfall {different|totally different|completely different} from that required to {experience|expertise} {the benefits|the advantages} of {running|operating|working}. {Those who|Those that} {utilize|make the most of} {running shoes|trainers} land heel first, whereas the barefoot {running|operating|working} {technique|method|approach} will {always|all the time|at all times} {have you|have you ever} land toe first. These {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {also|additionally} {claim|declare} {to improve|to enhance} a runner's posture and {help|assist} {those who|those that} {suffer|endure|undergo} from {back|again} {injuries|accidents} {due to|because of|as a result of|resulting from|on account of|as a consequence of|attributable to} {running|operating|working}.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
{Important|Essential|Necessary|重要} {Facts|詳細資訊 |Information|資訊} 你 {Should|應該向} 知道{在挺內} {recent|current|latest} {past|previous} {運行 shoes|trainers} 與腳趾取得 {很多 of|lots of|plenty of|loads of|numerous|a 堆 of|a 編號 of|a 品種 of|quite 大量} {popularity|reputation|recognition} {因為向 of|due} 他們 {ability|capability|capacity|potential|means|skill} {供 provide|to offer|to} {quality|a 頂級 quality|a 高品質} 赤腳 {running|operating|working} {experience|expertise}{known|recognized|identified} 是 {appropriate|the 適合} {running|operating|working} {technique|method|approach} {health|well 正在} 的好。{因為你我很棒。自從你} 用到軟墊 {effect|impact} {available|out there|obtainable|accessible} {運行 shoes|trainers},{using|utilizing} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {could|might|may} 這些腳趾採取一些習慣。{Further|另外},{while|whereas} {running|operating|working} 在這些 {shoes|footwear|sneakers},{你 are|you're|you 可能} {可能 to|more 可能對 to|prone} {experience|expertise} 的地形粗糙度您運行在腳底 {是 not|aren 't|usually 是不是 be|aren not|will' t|are 通常 not|should 不} {prepared|ready} 為。{Based|基於的 mostly|主要基於} 對牛頓 {公司 |公司},{easiest|the simplest|the 最好} {method|technique|methodology} 運行 {是通過 thru|is} {running|operating|working} 短的步伐與 {landing|touchdown} {關於 the|concerning the|in 問候} 球的金融時報 》。這他們已經在看 {top|prime|high} {discovered|found} 額定 {sports|sports 活動} 運動員 {和通過 through|and} {careful|cautious} {research|analysis} {通過 using|through 使用 of|by 利用} {today|right now|at present|at 這個 time|as 我們 speak|at moment|in 本 day|immediately|right 這一刻} 的 {technology|know how|expertise}。{But|然而} 理論 {regarding|relating to|concerning} {manner|the way|the 風格} {在 which|by which|during which|through which|wherein} 一個 {should|ought 到} 運行,或 {actual|precise} {running|operating|working} {technique|method|approach} 的 {diverse|numerous|various},{number|quantity} 和意見。{While|而} {health|well 正在} 和 {fitness|health} {experts|specialists|consultants} {suggest|recommend|counsel} {這是 the|that 它是} {運行 shoes|trainers} 使 {的所有 the|all} {opposite|the other|the 替代} {difference|distinction},{another|one 其他} 集團是意見。這一組 {建議 that|means,} {running|operating|working} 赤腳重要的是 {key|the} {health|well 正在} 的好,和那 {它 is|it 的} {此 technique|this system|this 方法} 這使得 {entire|the whole|the complete|all the|your complete|your 整個} {running|operating|working} {process|course 的} {more|extra} {beneficial|useful|helpful} 為 {body|physique}。{Based|基於的 mostly|主要基於} 對此 {theory|concept|principle|idea},{several|a 數目} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {那 have|which 您沒有足夠} {specific|particular} 的趾槽已設計並普遍是 {已知 as|often as|referred 眾所周知,被稱為 as|often 的已知的 as|generally} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} 從頭到腳或手套 {shoes|footwear|sneakers}。{Research|分析} 具有 {shown|proven},{那些 who|those,} {最多的 utilize|make} {specific|particular} {運行 shoes|trainers} 有從那 {experience|expertise} {benefits|the 優勢} 所需的腳步聲 {different|totally different|completely 不同} 的 {running|operating|working}。{那些 who|那些,} {最多的 utilize|make} {運行 shoes|trainers} 土地首先,腳跟而赤腳 {running|operating|working} {technique|method|approach} 將 {always|all 輕信所有時代} {有 you|have 你是否曾經} 首批登陸的腳趾。這些 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {also|additionally} {claim|declare} {improve|to 增強} 跑步者的姿勢和 {help|assist} {那些 who|those,} {suffer|endure|undergo} 從 {back|again} {injuries|accidents} {to|because of|as 由於結果 of|resulting from|on 帳戶 of|as 到後果 of|attributable} {running|operating|working}。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
{重要|精華|必備|生命} {事實|詳情|資訊|信息},你{如若|應然}專有{在|內} {最近|當前|最新} {過去|先前},{跑鞋|教練}與腳趾都獲得{很多|很多|很多|負荷|很多|一大堆|多項|多種|頗多} {知名度|口碑|識別} {因為中|由於} {他們的能力|能力|生產能力|潛力|指|技能} {提供|提供|供應} {質量|頂級品質|高品質} {赤腳跑|工作|工作} {經驗|專業知識},{稱|認可|確定}是{適當|合適} {運行|運行|工作} {技術|方法|方法}好{健康|福利}。{因為你|既然你}用於軟墊{效果|衝擊} {提供|那裡|得到|訪問} {用跑步鞋|教練},{使用|利用這些} {趾鞋|鞋|運動鞋} {可以|可能|}可能需要一段時間來適應。{更多|更多},{同時|而} {運行|運行|工作}在這些{|鞋|鞋旅遊鞋},{你|你|你可能會對} {容易|更容易|容易} {經驗|專業知識}運行地形的粗糙度,你的鞋底{不|不是|通常不是|不會|不是|通常不是|不該} {準備|準備}對。{基於|基於大多|主要基於}在牛頓{公司簡介|公司},{最簡單|最簡單|最好} {方法|技術|方法}運行{就是通|通過} {運行|運行|}工作較短的進步和{登陸|著陸} {關於|有關|。在問候英尺的球}這個,他們已經發現了{|}發現看{頂部|黃金|高} {額定體育|體育活動} {運動員通過|和通} {仔細|謹慎} {研究|分析} {使用|通過使用|利用} {今天|現在|目前|在這個時候|在我們發言|此刻|在今天|立刻|右這一刻}的{技術|知識|專業知識}。{但|然而} {理論關於|有關|關於} {方式|方式|的風格} {其中|由|其間|通過|其中} {1應該|應當}運行,或者{實際|精密} {運行|工作|工作} {技術|方法|方法} {都不同|很多|各種},{在數量|數量}和意見。{雖然|然而} {健康|福利}和{健身|健康} {專家|專家|諮詢} {提示|推薦|律師} {它是|那它的} {跑鞋|教練},使{所有|所有} {差|區別},{另一個|另一個}組的{相反|其他|替代}意見。這組{提示|意味著} {運行|運行|工作}赤腳{關鍵|最重要的事情}好{健康|福利},而且{它是|這是} {這種技術|此系統|這種方法},使{整|全|完整|所有的|你完全|整個} {運行|工作|工作} {過程|當然} {更多|額外} {有益|有用|有用的}該{體|體質}。{基於|大多基於|主要基於}這個{理論|理念|原理|想法},{幾個|一些} {鞋|鞋|運動鞋} {有|具有} {具體|特殊}腳趾插槽的設計,並普遍{被譽為|一般被稱為|通常被稱為|稱之為|通常被稱為} {趾鞋|鞋|運動鞋}或{手套鞋|鞋|運動鞋}。{研究|分析} {已顯示|探明} {即那些誰|那些} {利用|使大多數} {具體|特殊} {跑鞋|教練}有腳步聲{不同的|完全不同的|完全不同}從要求到{經驗|專業知識} {好處|優勢}為{|操作系統|工作運行}。{那些誰|那些} {利用|使大多數} {跑鞋|教練}第一土地腳跟,而赤腳{運行|工作|工作} {技術|方法|方法} {將永遠|所有的時間|在任何時候都} {有你|你有沒有}土地腳尖先。這些{鞋|鞋|運動鞋} {還|額外} {索賠|聲明} {提高|提升}跑步的姿勢和{幫助|援助} {那些誰|那些}從{患有| |忍受經歷} {回來|再次} {受傷|事故} {由於|,因為|作為結果|是考慮| |從產生的的結果|歸屬於} {運行|運行|工作}。

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