Hallo die Ware habe ich erhalten. Verpackung ist nicht berauschend, alle Lampen einfach lose in einen ungepolsterten Umschlag werfen ist nicht berauschend. 1 Birne hat den Transport nicht überlebt. Sollten Sie beim nächsten mal sorgfältiger Versenden.
Hi, I have received the goods. Packaging is not exhilarating, all lamps simply loose throw no envelope is not intoxicating. 1 bulb did not survive the transport. Should next time more carefully sending.
Hi, I have received the goods. Packaging is not great, all the lights just throw in a loose unpadded envelope is underwhelming. 1 pear did not survive the transport. Should you next time careful sending.
hello, i have received the goods. packaging is not brilliant, all lamps just loose in a ungepolsterten envelope throw is not intoxicating. 1 pear has not survived the transport. you should be careful next time send.