百鸟朝凤 :是一道传统湘菜,象征欢聚一堂,其乐融融。菜品做法食材准备嫩鸡一百鸟朝凤只(约重1250克)、猪肉200克、富强面粉100克。辅料的英文翻譯

百鸟朝凤 :是一道传统湘菜,象征欢聚一堂,其乐融融。菜品做法食材准备嫩

百鸟朝凤 :是一道传统湘菜,象征欢聚一堂,其乐融融。

1.将鸡在沸水中汆一下,去尽血水,捞出洗净。取砂锅一只,用小竹架垫底,放入葱结、姜块、火腿皮,加清水 2500毫升,在旺火上烧沸,放入鸡和绍酒25毫升,再沸时移至小火上炖。
2.腿肉剁成未,加水25毫升,精盐1.5克,绍酒5毫升,味精1克,搅拌至有粘液,再加至芝麻油拌至成馅。面粉揉成 面团,擀成水饺皮子20张,放入馅料,包制成鸟形水饺煮熟。
肥嫩母鸡… 1只、绍酒….. 50克、鸽蛋….. 10克、猪油…. 100克、熟瘦火腿… 50克、精盐….. 10克、肥蟹黄… 100克、白糖….. 10克、油菜心…. 10棵、味素….. 5克、水发香菇… 5块、白胡椒粉… 2克、鸭胗….. 5个、大葱…..半根、生姜….. 25克、菱粉….. 15克
1.先将鸡杀死,煺毛,由腹下肛门处开膛,取干净抹布垫在菜墩上,把鸡脯朝下,用刀把鸡背骨拍平,鸡脯上龙骨也用刀拍平,再把鸡翅膀别起来,剁去尖扑,把鸡腿也盘起来,使鸡变成卧趴形,然后放入开水锅内烫透,鸭胗一切两瓣,在刀口处划四道口,也放在开水锅内烫透,连鸡一起捞出,放凉水盆里洗干净。取半张新荷叶,放在开水中烫一下,垫在砂锅底中,再把鸡和鸭股放在砂锅里,加入绍酒、葱段、姜块,然后将鸡汤没过鸡面,先在中火上烧开,再把砂锅迁到小火上慢炖 2小时左右。
2.把炒勺放在火上,加猪油一两,烧热,将蟹黄下勺,炒出黄油和香味,倒人砂锅中,加盐、胡椒粉,再盖严锅盖,在小火上慢炖 1小时左右。
3.用十个扁长形酒盅,在酒盅里抹上一层猪油,盅内用香菇、火腿摆成乌的翅膀和尾形,每一盅内打入一只鸽蛋,点上一滴盐水,上展蒸 4分钟左右取出,趁热扣出鸽蛋即成小鸟形,放在大平盘中摆成一圈,再将砂锅内鸡取出背朝下,放在大平盘中间,再把鸭胗穿插放在鸽蛋空隙处。把锅内汤汁倒在勺内,加味精、拢粉芡,浇淋在鸡和鸽蛋上即可上桌。

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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Phoenix: is a traditional Hunan cuisine, gather, and enjoyable.Food practicesFood preparationTender chicken in a Phoenix (about 1250 g) stronger and stronger, and pork 200 g flour 100 g. Accessories: ham (bone or Jane) l block. Onion with oil 15 g, 5 g, cooked chicken ginger 5 g, rice wine, 25 grams, MSG 5 g, salt 7.5 grams, 5 grams of sesame oil.Production steps1. Boil the chicken in boiling water and do the blood, remove and wash. Take the casserole a little, small bamboo frame at the bottom, into a knot, ginger and onions and ham, plus 2500 milliliters of water, in the fire boil, add chicken and rice wine 25 ml, boiling stew on the move when a small fire.2. Chop the meat into the legs, add 25 ml of water, salt 1.5 g, rice wine 5 ml, 1 gram of MSG, stirring until there is mucus, plus to mix sesame oil to the filling. Flour and knead the dough, roll into a dumpling skin 20, put stuffing, bird-shaped dumplings made from cooked.3. Chicken until crisp cooked, remove the ginger, spring onions are formed, ham and steaming rack, remove the foam, add salt 6 grams, 4 grams of monosodium glutamate, a bird-shaped dumplings around chicken on all sides, set the fire boiling, pour over chicken and serve.Practices IIFood preparationFat hen ... 1, rice wine ... ... 50 grams, pigeon eggs. .... 10 grams of lard. ... 100 grams cooked lean ham ... 50 g, salt ... ... 10 g, fat crab ... 100 g, sugar ... ... 10 g, Cole heart. ... 10, and gourmet ... ... 5 g, water, mushrooms ... 5, white pepper ... 2 g, duck gizzards.. ... 5, green onions ... ... roots, ginger ... ... 25 g, diamond powder. .... 15 gProduction steps1. First will chicken killed, TUI hair, by abdominal Xia anus at Ripper, take clean rag pad in dish Pier Shang, put chicken Pro towards Xia, with knife chicken back bone took flat, chicken Pro Shang keel also with knife took flat, again put chicken wings don't up, chop to pointed bashing, put chicken leg also disc up, makes chicken into lying lying shaped, then into water pot within hot through, duck gizzards all two flap, in edge at designated four crossing, also put in water pot within hot through, even chicken with fishing out, put cold water basin in wash clean. Take half of new leaves, placed in boiling water and boil, mats in the sand in the bottom, placed in a casserole, chicken and duck stock, add the rice wine, scallions, ginger and chicken soup not chicken noodle, first on the fire to boil, and then moved to simmer on low heat for about 2 hours in casserole.2. Put bottomed frying pan on the fire, it lard one or two, hot, next spoons with crab roe, fried butter and flavor, pour in casserole, add salt and pepper, then covered the Pan and simmer on low heat 1 hour or so.3. With 10 a flat long shaped winecup, in winecup in wipe Shang a layer lard, Cup within with mushrooms, and ham pendulum into black of wings and tail shaped, each Cup within scored a only pigeon egg, points Shang a drops brine, Shang exhibition steam 4 minutes around out, hot buckle out pigeon egg that into bird shaped, put in big flat disc in the pendulum into a circle, again will sand pot within chicken out back towards Xia, put in big flat disc middle, again put duck gizzards interspersed with put in pigeon egg gap at. Soup spoons in the pot, add MSG, long starch, spraying on the chicken and pigeon egg and serve. Food storiesThe Qianlong emperor of the Qing dynasty to celebrate Queen Niu Shi's 60 birthday, time arrived, Emperor Qianlong Queen's birthday, then Dowager Queen, Gong Fei and all your Minister congratulations on your future generations, carried 100 ladies cage, cages containing birds. Queen Mother smiling happily opened the first cage, a flock of birds suddenly rushed out and kept flying in the hospital and called to chirp away, people saw a chorus praising Luang haoshengzhide. So she opens all the cages together ladies, suddenly the beauty of echoing sound. Cook according to set free the lively scene, crafted "Phoenix".
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
This is a traditional symbol of Hunan, have a joyous gathering enjoyable.Dishes practicesFood preparationTender chicken one hundred birds toward the phoenix only (about 1250 grams), 200 grams of pork, 100 grams of rich flour. Accessories: Ham (or simple bone) l block. Scallion 5 grams, cooked chicken oil 15 grams, ginger 5 grams, 25 grams of Shaoxing wine, MSG 5 grams, 7.5 grams of salt, 5 grams of sesame oil.Production steps1 chicken boil in boiling water, remove and wash the blood to do. Take a small casserole, with a bamboo frame bottom, add onion knot, ginger, ham skin, add 2500 ml of water, boil over, add chicken and rice wine 25 ml, moved to a small fire stew and then boiling.The 2 leg chop, 25 ml of water, 1.5 grams of salt, Shaoxing wine 5 ml, 1 grams of MSG, stir to mucus, add sesame oil to mix into a paste. The flour and knead the dough, roll into 20 pieces of leather Boiled dumplings, put in the bag made of fillings, Boiled dumplings cooked bird.3 chicken stew to be cooked crisp, remove the ginger, onion knot, ham skin and steaming rack, remove floating foam, add 6 grams of salt, MSG 4 grams, the bird shaped Boiled dumplings surrounding on the chicken around, set the fire to boil, pour cantharellus.Practice twoFood preparationFat and tender hen... 1, Shaoxing wine... 50 grams, eggs... 10 grams of lard... 100 grams, cooked thin ham... 50 grams of salt... 10 grams of fat, crab... 100 grams, white sugar... 10 grams, rape heart... 10 trees, monosodium glutamate... 5 grams of water, letinous edodes... 5, white pepper powder... 2 grams, duck gizzard... 5, green onions... Half root, ginger... 25 grams, sp..... 15 gramsProduction steps1 first kill chicken, ham hair, by abdominal anus open, take a clean cloth pad in the dish pier, put chicken down, with a knife back bone chicken shoot, chicken on the keel with the sword shoot, then the wings don"t get up, Duoqu sharp attack, the chicken is set up the chicken, lying into shape, and then placed in boiling water and hot pot, duck gizzard all two petals, four crossing on the edge, also put in boiling water pot and hot, even the chicken with fish, cool wash basin. Take half a new leaf, put blanched in boiling water in the bottom pad in the casserole, add chicken and duck stock put in casserole, add wine, scallion, ginger, and chicken soup before chicken noodle, first in the fire to boil, then the casserole moved to a small fire to simmer about 2 hours.2 wok on the fire, add lard one or two, heat, the crab under spoon, stir butter and fragrance, poured into the casserole, add salt, pepper, then cover the lid tightly, in a small fire to simmer for 1 hours.3 ten prolated jiuzhong, cast a layer of lard in the wine in the cup, with letinous edodes, ham placed into Ukraine wings and tail shape, each cup into a pigeon, on a drop of saline on steam about 4 minutes out, while hot buckle is bird eggs on the flat plate shape, placed in a circle, and then remove the chicken casserole back, on the flat plate, then put in the duck gizzard with pigeon gap. The soup spoon in the pot, add MSG, pour in from salt to chicken and pigeon eggs on the table.Food storyThe Qing Dynasty emperor Qian Long to celebrate the Queen"s sixty birthday button, when the time came, first emperor Qian Long to the Queen Mother birthday, then the queen, Princess and the qingui Minister for the Empress Dowager Keiko Chiaki, ladies over one hundred cages, each cage with a bird. The Empress Dowager happily opened the first shine with happiness, cage, a flock of birds suddenly rushed out in the hospital, don"t stop dancing, and chattering to call a stop, they saw the blessed empress of Germany by common consent. So, she instructed women together to open all the cage, suddenly a beautiful voice echoed. According to the chef released lively scene crafted "bainiaozhaofeng".
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