The implementation of FSA methods can reduce accident risks and the numbers of accidents in the IstanbulStrait. However, risks cannot be reset completely, at least in the short and the medium terms. In this assessment, riskvalue reached 6 in the Istanbul Straits and it can be defined as high risk, which should be considered, but they havenot reached intolerable levels. Risk reducing techniques should be applied continuously and each improvementrelated to marine safety must be recorded and it cannot be seen as unimportant. As a priority, the transportation ofdangerous goods by sea (especially chemicals and petroleum products) must be monitored more carefully. Onlywhen we focus on LPG and LNG tankers, awareness of the danger can be achieved more successfully. The harmthat an explosion of an LNG or LPG tanker causes may be equal to an 11 magnitude earthquake in the IstanbulStrait (Başaranel et al, 2011). At the same time, a 50 km-wide zone would be affected because of this disaster. Whenconditions of the Bosphorus are evaluated, 1100 LPG and LNG tankers passed through the Istanbul Straits in 2010,and the Istanbul Straits were exposed to the risk that caused this type of ship accidents 1100 times annually.Recommendations may be seen as below;