How can Patreon help?
By becoming my patron, you can help me have more time to create videos, access to new and higher quality equipment (that I am itching to use in videos), and the ability to finally create the visions I have for my videos via new software, recording techniques, and locations. Though I have been lucky enough to have the best people on the internet cheering me along, lending me advice, and being my inspiration to always strive for better; the burden of cost of materials (from things as small as batteries and fake nails every week to things like lighting, software, electrical equipment, computers, etc), and most importantly TIME, fall solely on me. I devote nearly every available minute to creating ASMR videos. New equipment, software, and resources, can help me create videos more efficiently---allowing me more time (to create, edit, and experiment)---which will not only improve the quality of my work, but the quality of your experience.