00:13:52,910 --> 00:13:56,690
basically have this temperature and Tina
just over here but we're not we're not
00:13:56,690 --> 00:13:59,709
basically dying in a specific Calvin
intent what we're doing is making
00:13:59,709 --> 00:14:03,890
compensation for it so yes it looks like
we have control over it but in reality
00:14:03,890 --> 00:14:08,820
it's not giving us full control we're
just adjusting over the existing image
00:14:08,820 --> 00:14:13,980
we're not changing at the white balance
of the image ok so just remember that if
00:14:13,980 --> 00:14:18,770
you're in JPEG or in any other type of
file in post-production you can adjust
00:14:18,770 --> 00:14:22,610
temperature until later it over what's
already there but you better have shot
00:14:22,610 --> 00:14:26,160
it correctly in camera cause you can't
have specific control like you would a
00:14:26,160 --> 00:14:29,630
RAW file let's go ahead and move on to
another image again this immigrated here
00:14:29,630 --> 00:14:33,350
this was shot with a shot with actual to
jail one
00:14:33,350 --> 00:14:37,110
letting them up his work outdoors
there's no light we have a another like
00:14:37,110 --> 00:14:40,450
up on a stick that kind of crystal
backlight just a tad electrolyte to the
00:14:40,450 --> 00:14:45,570
scene where balancing this around 3,400
degrees Kelvin if it were say around
00:14:45,570 --> 00:14:51,510
daylight we left it on daylight it would
be really really orange and look nasty
00:14:51,510 --> 00:14:54,720
all these colors get blown out and this
is what happens if you don't adjust
00:14:54,720 --> 00:14:58,020
those colors if you're shooting video by
the way you better be adjusting in
00:14:58,020 --> 00:15:03,300
camera because video is just like a JPEG
you don't have any control later on if
00:15:03,300 --> 00:15:07,140
we end up adjusting it to be too cool
around 2,500 and all those colors they
00:15:07,140 --> 00:15:08,430
go blue
00:15:08,430 --> 00:15:11,610
ok let's take a look at another one so
right around where I like it was around
00:15:11,610 --> 00:15:17,190
that 3400 range or 36 intertwined to
again there's kind of a variance where
00:15:17,190 --> 00:15:22,050
you can choose based on your style this
was an overcast day so take a look at
00:15:22,050 --> 00:15:27,770
this so overcast were at 5600 Calvin
here again rumor how these are all
00:15:27,770 --> 00:15:31,220
variations depending on where you are
depending on the time of day depends on
00:15:31,220 --> 00:15:36,910
the type of overcast all the weather and
all the all the settings of your
00:15:36,910 --> 00:15:41,990
atmosphere are gonna affect the color
temperature so distant fallen to 6,000
00:15:41,990 --> 00:15:45,910
6,000 was where we said it normally
would be but for my preference i
00:15:45,910 --> 00:15:49,190
preferred remedy 600 degrees again this
is where the LiveView comes in really
00:15:49,190 --> 00:15:53,360
handy because you can dial in 10 based
on that live you now this is a perfect
00:15:53,360 --> 00:15:54,630
illustration right here
00:15:54,630 --> 00:15:59,170
of basically mixture in lighting we
talked about how daylight is basically
00:15:59,170 --> 00:16:02,510
more blue and inside light is more
orange right we showed you that little
00:16:02,510 --> 00:16:06,950
chart right here take a look at this so
daylight we have more bluish side and an
00:16:06,950 --> 00:16:11,260
indoor light we have it more orange so
going back to this image we have this
00:16:11,260 --> 00:16:15,180
mixture here and we're actually using it
in the photo to the right side a vigil
00:16:15,180 --> 00:16:18,990
one which is this like right here that
balance tungsten on the left side have
00:16:18,990 --> 00:16:21,900
this nice it'll happen I have a kind of
looking towards the lamps on the left
00:16:21,900 --> 00:16:26,270
and the right we're basically shaping
her with this tungsten light and we're
00:16:26,270 --> 00:16:30,360
using the background and setting the
white balance to be allowed the
00:16:30,360 --> 00:16:33,500
background this day light coming through
the back to go very blue
00:16:33,500 --> 00:16:35,830
so when that happened to that is watch
00:16:35,830 --> 00:16:41,440
when we had just to make sure we make
that indoor light more neutral so far to
00:16:41,440 --> 00:16:45,000
make it more neutral by cooling it down
the background light which is already
00:16:45,000 --> 00:16:49,630
blew becomes more blue ok so this is
where we can use white balance for
00:16:49,630 --> 00:16:53,810
creative effect again this is getting
into more letting 10131 stuff that we're
00:16:53,810 --> 00:16:56,760
gonna talk about in those workshops
gonna give you a little taste of it
00:16:56,760 --> 00:17:00,710
because it's absolutely amazing what you
can do with lighting in this situation
00:17:00,710 --> 00:17:04,670
right here we're using actually two
flashes when using two pockets ropes and
00:17:04,670 --> 00:17:08,440
we're shooting and balancing daylight
because this is a daylight scene so
00:17:08,440 --> 00:17:11,480
we're balancing to the lightness seen
just a light up a couple of us we have
00:17:11,480 --> 00:17:15,240
this nice beautiful light and if we look
at the color temperature we're right
00:17:15,240 --> 00:17:19,650
around fifty a hundred degrees they
liken very to this is the sun's out of
00:17:19,650 --> 00:17:25,290
the blue sky but for this image I prefer
1500 degrees rather than 5500 5500 this
00:17:25,290 --> 00:17:28,370
looks a little bit on the cold side you
can see that the d4
00:17:28,370 --> 00:17:33,940
ok so again remember that there's a lot
of stylistic preference here let's go
00:17:33,940 --> 00:17:38,950
back to see this image this image was
shot indoors this is actually from
00:17:38,950 --> 00:17:43,620
lighting 101 which is weird feeling
right now be sure to check it out and in
00:17:43,620 --> 00:17:47,730
this video and lighting 11 we're showing
you essentially how to create amazing
00:17:47,730 --> 00:17:53,390
images with a single on camera flash
that means we never take the camera we
00:17:53,390 --> 00:17:56,060
never take the flash off the camera this
whole workshop is designed to help you
00:17:56,060 --> 00:17:59,840
to master on-camera flash to show you
just how much you can do that so this is
00:17:59,840 --> 00:18:04,380
all done with one single on-camera flash
but with this we're leaving it daylight
00:18:04,380 --> 00:18:06,640
white balance because we have a little
bit of daylight poking through
00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:11,090
underneath this garage ok so again if we
look at the white balance over here it's
00:18:11,090 --> 00:18:15,080
right around daylight even though work
indoors all the light they were using is
00:18:15,080 --> 00:18:21,080
daylight so we're balancing to that
light ok let's go back here and I'm
00:18:21,080 --> 00:18:26,010
gonna show you want everything this one
is this was actually one of the photo
00:18:26,010 --> 00:18:31,230
101 of 101 things that we did I wanted
to show this one particular because the
00:18:31,230 --> 00:18:35,880
temperature even though she's standing
in shade we have a reflector on her and
00:18:35,880 --> 00:18:40,910
the correct white balance really for me
is around fifty degrees Kelvin it can
00:18:40,910 --> 00:18:44,430
again change based on the type of
lighting modifiers never using so don't
00:18:44,430 --> 00:18:48,820
treat all the number that we gave you as
kind of guys as a rule that don't treat
00:18:48,820 --> 00:18:52,650
them as concrete ok now looking at this
one this is one that we're going to get
00:18:52,650 --> 00:18:55,790
into when we get into letting too and we
start taking the camera or the flash off
00:18:55,790 --> 00:18:59,750
the cameras started shelling out more
this is what we're going for so in this
00:18:59,750 --> 00:19:05,650
shot we're doing exactly using a gel 1
ok it spin lighted right on the subject
00:19:05,650 --> 00:19:10,630
and what we've done here is we've white
balance the scene to the couple so the
00:19:10,630 --> 00:19:14,320
couple is nice and they're a little bit
warm but it has a great look over their
00:19:14,320 --> 00:19:19,130
skin tone then what happens is again
rumor daylight is more blue tungsten is
00:19:19,130 --> 00:19:24,800
more yellow so if I pull everything down
if I pull the camera down to balance to
00:19:24,800 --> 00:19:29,870
that yellow light than what's already
blew becomes even more blue so if I
00:19:29,870 --> 00:19:32,620
bring this in tonight kind of tweaked
the temperature little bit you'll see
20000:13:52,910 --> 00:13:56,690basically have this temperature and Tinajust over here but we're not we're not20100:13:56,690 --> 00:13:59,709basically dying in a specific Calvinintent what we're doing is making20200:13:59,709 --> 00:14:03,890compensation for it so yes it looks likewe have control over it but in reality20300:14:03,890 --> 00:14:08,820it's not giving us full control we'rejust adjusting over the existing image20400:14:08,820 --> 00:14:13,980we're not changing at the white balanceof the image ok so just remember that if20500:14:13,980 --> 00:14:18,770you're in JPEG or in any other type offile in post-production you can adjust20600:14:18,770 --> 00:14:22,610temperature until later it over what'salready there but you better have shot20700:14:22,610 --> 00:14:26,160it correctly in camera cause you can'thave specific control like you would a20800:14:26,160 --> 00:14:29,630RAW file let's go ahead and move on toanother image again this immigrated here20900:14:29,630 --> 00:14:33,350this was shot with a shot with actual tojail one21000:14:33,350 --> 00:14:37,110letting them up his work outdoorsthere's no light we have a another like21100:14:37,110 --> 00:14:40,450up on a stick that kind of crystalbacklight just a tad electrolyte to the21200:14:40,450 --> 00:14:45,570scene where balancing this around 3,400degrees Kelvin if it were say around21300:14:45,570 --> 00:14:51,510daylight we left it on daylight it wouldbe really really orange and look nasty21400:14:51,510 --> 00:14:54,720all these colors get blown out and thisis what happens if you don't adjust21500:14:54,720 --> 00:14:58,020those colors if you're shooting video bythe way you better be adjusting in21600:14:58,020 --> 00:15:03,300camera because video is just like a JPEGyou don't have any control later on if21700:15:03,300 --> 00:15:07,140we end up adjusting it to be too coolaround 2,500 and all those colors they21800:15:07,140 --> 00:15:08,430go blue21900:15:08,430 --> 00:15:11,610ok let's take a look at another one soright around where I like it was around22000:15:11,610 --> 00:15:17,190that 3400 range or 36 intertwined toagain there's kind of a variance where22100:15:17,190 --> 00:15:22,050you can choose based on your style thiswas an overcast day so take a look at22200:15:22,050 --> 00:15:27,770this so overcast were at 5600 Calvinhere again rumor how these are all22300:15:27,770 --> 00:15:31,220variations depending on where you aredepending on the time of day depends on22400:15:31,220 --> 00:15:36,910the type of overcast all the weather andall the all the settings of your22500:15:36,910 --> 00:15:41,990atmosphere are gonna affect the colortemperature so distant fallen to 6,00022600:15:41,990 --> 00:15:45,9106,000 was where we said it normallywould be but for my preference i22700:15:45,910 --> 00:15:49,190preferred remedy 600 degrees again thisis where the LiveView comes in really22800:15:49,190 --> 00:15:53,360handy because you can dial in 10 basedon that live you now this is a perfect22900:15:53,360 --> 00:15:54,630illustration right here23000:15:54,630 --> 00:15:59,170of basically mixture in lighting wetalked about how daylight is basically23100:15:59,170 --> 00:16:02,510more blue and inside light is moreorange right we showed you that little23200:16:02,510 --> 00:16:06,950chart right here take a look at this sodaylight we have more bluish side and an23300:16:06,950 --> 00:16:11,260indoor light we have it more orange sogoing back to this image we have this23400:16:11,260 --> 00:16:15,180mixture here and we're actually using itin the photo to the right side a vigil23500:16:15,180 --> 00:16:18,990one which is this like right here thatbalance tungsten on the left side have23600:16:18,990 --> 00:16:21,900this nice it'll happen I have a kind oflooking towards the lamps on the left23700:16:21,900 --> 00:16:26,270and the right we're basically shapingher with this tungsten light and we're23800:16:26,270 --> 00:16:30,360using the background and setting thewhite balance to be allowed the23900:16:30,360 --> 00:16:33,500background this day light coming throughthe back to go very blue24000:16:33,500 --> 00:16:35,830so when that happened to that is watchthis24100:16:35,830 --> 00:16:41,440when we had just to make sure we makethat indoor light more neutral so far to24200:16:41,440 --> 00:16:45,000make it more neutral by cooling it downthe background light which is already24300:16:45,000 --> 00:16:49,630blew becomes more blue ok so this iswhere we can use white balance for24400:16:49,630 --> 00:16:53,810creative effect again this is gettinginto more letting 10131 stuff that we're24500:16:53,810 --> 00:16:56,760gonna talk about in those workshopsgonna give you a little taste of it24600:16:56,760 --> 00:17:00,710because it's absolutely amazing what youcan do with lighting in this situation24700:17:00,710 --> 00:17:04,670right here we're using actually twoflashes when using two pockets ropes and24800:17:04,670 --> 00:17:08,440we're shooting and balancing daylightbecause this is a daylight scene so24900:17:08,440 --> 00:17:11,480we're balancing to the lightness seenjust a light up a couple of us we have25000:17:11,480 --> 00:17:15,240this nice beautiful light and if we lookat the color temperature we're right25100:17:15,240 --> 00:17:19,650around fifty a hundred degrees theyliken very to this is the sun's out of25200:17:19,650 --> 00:17:25,290the blue sky but for this image I prefer1500 degrees rather than 5500 5500 this25300:17:25,290 --> 00:17:28,370looks a little bit on the cold side youcan see that the d425400:17:28,370 --> 00:17:33,940ok so again remember that there's a lotof stylistic preference here let's go25500:17:33,940 --> 00:17:38,950back to see this image this image wasshot indoors this is actually from25600:17:38,950 --> 00:17:43,620lighting 101 which is weird feelingright now be sure to check it out and in25700:17:43,620 --> 00:17:47,730this video and lighting 11 we're showingyou essentially how to create amazing25800:17:47,730 --> 00:17:53,390images with a single on camera flashthat means we never take the camera we25900:17:53,390 --> 00:17:56,060never take the flash off the camera thiswhole workshop is designed to help you26000:17:56,060 --> 00:17:59,840to master on-camera flash to show youjust how much you can do that so this is26100:17:59,840 --> 00:18:04,380all done with one single on-camera flashbut with this we're leaving it daylight26200:18:04,380 --> 00:18:06,640white balance because we have a littlebit of daylight poking through26300:18:06,640 --> 00:18:11,090underneath this garage ok so again if welook at the white balance over here it's26400:18:11,090 --> 00:18:15,080right around daylight even though workindoors all the light they were using is26500:18:15,080 --> 00:18:21,080daylight so we're balancing to thatlight ok let's go back here and I'm26600:18:21,080 --> 00:18:26,010gonna show you want everything this oneis this was actually one of the photo26700:18:26,010 --> 00:18:31,230101 of 101 things that we did I wantedto show this one particular because the26800:18:31,230 --> 00:18:35,880temperature even though she's standingin shade we have a reflector on her and26900:18:35,880 --> 00:18:40,910the correct white balance really for meis around fifty degrees Kelvin it can27000:18:40,910 --> 00:18:44,430again change based on the type oflighting modifiers never using so don't27100:18:44,430 --> 00:18:48,820treat all the number that we gave you askind of guys as a rule that don't treat27200:18:48,820 --> 00:18:52,650them as concrete ok now looking at thisone this is one that we're going to get27300:18:52,650 --> 00:18:55,790into when we get into letting too and westart taking the camera or the flash off27400:18:55,790 --> 00:18:59,750the cameras started shelling out morethis is what we're going for so in this27500:18:59,750 --> 00:19:05,650shot we're doing exactly using a gel 1ok it spin lighted right on the subject27600:19:05,650 --> 00:19:10,630and what we've done here is we've whitebalance the scene to the couple so the27700:19:10,630 --> 00:19:14,320couple is nice and they're a little bitwarm but it has a great look over their27800:19:14,320 --> 00:19:19,130skin tone then what happens is againrumor daylight is more blue tungsten is27900:19:19,130 --> 00:19:24,800more yellow so if I pull everything downif I pull the camera down to balance to28000:19:24,800 --> 00:19:29,870that yellow light than what's alreadyblew becomes even more blue so if I28100:19:29,870 --> 00:19:32,620bring this in tonight kind of tweakedthe temperature little bit you'll see
