désolé pour la réponse tardive, parce que télécharger le catalogue a causé beaucoup de temps. Et je ne souhaite que nous puissions coopérer dans un proche avenir et faire un bénéfice mutuel pour nous deux. Merci pour votre confiance en moi.
Sorry for the late reply, because download catalog caused a lot of time.And I hope that we can cooperate in the near future and make a mutual benefit for us two.Thank you for your confidence in me.Kind regards
sorry for the late reply, because download the catalog has caused a lot of time. And I hope that we can cooperate in the near future and make a mutual benefit for both of us. Thank you for your confidence in me.
sorry for the late reply, because download the catalogue has caused a great deal of time.and i hope that we can cooperate in the near future, and mutual benefit for both of us.thank you for your trust in me.yours sincerely