No hip protector 105 (99%) 103 (97%) 0.1573No edge protectors on edges of furniture 104 (98%) 88 (83%) 0.0002No window safety locks/guards 93 (88%) 84 (79%) 0.0027No night lights (bedroom, hallway, toilet) 91 (86%) 69 (65%) < 0.001No handrails next to the door 91 (86%) 91 (86%) 1.0000Emergency numbers not placed near phone 89 (84%) 4 (4%) < 0.001No handrails along hallways 84 (79%) 82 (77%) 0.3173A high toilet seat not installed 82 (77%) 74 (70%) 0.0114No non-slip mats, anti-slip tape (bathroom and toilet) 63 (59%) 43 (41%) 0.0002No light fixture near the bed 62 (58%) 26 (25%) < 0.001Presence of thresholds (sills) in the apartment 60 (57%) 60 (57%) 1.0000No non-slip extensions to the supporting utilities 58 (55%) 31 (29%) < 0.001No seat in the shower or bath 57 (54%) 46 (43%) 0.0023No non-slip mats in wet areas, such as the shower or bath 55 (52%) 22 (21%) < 0.001Bed too low 53 (50%) 46 (43%) 0.0082Carpet edges not secured 50 (47%) 28 (26%) < 0.001No handrails in the bathroom and toilet 49 (46%) 25 (24%) < 0.001Unsafe and slippery footwear 48 (45%) 14 (13%) < 0.001Bedside light cannot be reached 41 (39%) 18 (17%) < 0.001First and last step markers not present, Step edges hard to see 40 (38%) 33 (31%) 0.0082Low chairs 32 (30%) 30 (28%) 0.1573No non-slip tape on edges of steps, unsecured carpets 29 (27%) 21 (20%) 0.0114Mats and rugs in the home 28 (26%) 18 (17%) 0.0016Wall-mounted cabinets and shelves too high 25 (24%) 25 (24%) 1.0000Phone too high (hard to reach) 23 (22%) 7 (7%) 0.0001Toilet with inward opening door 22 (21%) 21 (20%) 0.3173Proper handrails along the stairs not present 19 (18%) 19 (18%) 1.0000Pets in household 18 (17%) 18 (17%) 1.0000No light switch for stairs (or only one switch – only at the top or onlyat the bottom of the stairs) 14 (13%) 13 (12%) 0.3173Chaotic crowded environment, clutter on the floor 13 (12%) 4 (4%) 0.0027Unstable furniture 13 (12%) 12 (11%) 0.3173No light switches by doorways 9 (8%) 8 (7%) 0.3173Polished and slippery floors 7 (7%) 2 (2%) 0.0253Electrical wires/cables and extension cords on the floor