Hallo Das Quadcopter lässt sich ganz normal koppeln aber nach dem Start gehen die Motoren nach 2 Sekunden aus. Es gibt keine Probleme mit Propeller er geht einfach aus. Mfg Have a nice day:)
Hi the Quadricopter can normally devoid himself but after starting the engines go out after 2 seconds. There are no problems with a propeller he simply goes out. Mfg Have a nice day :)
Hello The quadricopter can be quite normal but couple go after starting the engines after 2 seconds. There are no problems with the propeller, he simply goes out. Mfg Have a nice day :)
hello, this is very normal quadcopter coupling but after the start of the engine after 2 seconds. there are no problems with propellers, he just goes. mfg: have a nice day.)