whole world of exercise can be extremely overwhelming. There is so much information out there and countless workout plans, it can be daunting to get started. Where do you start? What exercises do you do? The questions and obstacles build up and soon you've just given up. For the first 4-6 weeks all my workouts are full body. Here is a great basic workout to get started.
Circuit 1 x 3
Squats x 10
Lunges x 20
Plank x 30 seconds
Circuit 2 x 3
Push-ups x 10
Side Leg lifts x 20
Bicycles x 50
This is my general format for all my workouts. I do 2 circuits with 3 exercises and I do them 3-4 times a week. After I feel like I have built a general strength I then begin targeting specific muscle groups.
Workout 1- Lower body
Workout 2- Upper body/ Abs
Workout 3- High intensity Interval Training/ Tabata
Workout 4- Full body weights (Start with 10 pound dumbbells!)
What about cardio? Honestly I am not a huge fan of cardio. My cardio consists of high intensity interval training and tabata style workouts. Tabata is doing 20 seconds of an exercise and then taking 10 second rest. The previous workout you could complete as a tabata workout. I love doing sprints! I will sprint for 20 seconds then take 10 seconds rest and repeat 4-6 times.
Most of my workouts are home workouts. I love incorporating resistance bands and my suspension band (TRX). I don't have time to go to the gym nor can I justify going to the gym after spending a day at work. Tucker is always with me so I have learned to exercise with him around.
At the beginning of the week commit 3 days to working out. Having kids is no excuse. It definitely makes it HARDER but it can still be done! Sometimes when I feed Tucker I put him in the highchair and between each bite I do 10 squats. SQUEEZE it in where ever you can! My favorite is doing laundry and working out in between loads. When little one takes a nap get a quick workout in. Only YOU can make it happen! Be creative!
Exercise is addicting. Once you get started and get in the routine of working out everyday it gets easier and easier. The hardest part is GETTING STARTED.
What is your story? What are your favorite workouts? What other questions do you have?