A gas–liquid interface area (m 2 )
c pf specific heat capacity of cooled liquid
(Jkg ?1 K ?1 )
k c mass transfer coefficient (ms ?1 )
M f mass of cooled liquid (kg)
M f0 initial mass of cooled liquid at t ¼ 0 (kg)
M i mass of inert gases (kg)
M in mass flow rate through leaks (kgs ?1 )
M k mass of condensed vapours (kg)
M k mass flow rate of condensed vapours (kgs ?1 )
M p mass flow rate of liquid vapours (kgs ?1 )
M p mass of liquid vapours (kg)
M e molecular weight of air (kgkmol ?1 )
M i molecular weight of inert gases (air)
(kgkmol ?1 )
M w molecular weight of liquid vapours
(kgkmol ?1 )
n mass flux (kgs ?1 m ?2 )
p total pressure (Pa)
p a ambient atmospheric pressure (Pa)
p i partial pressure of inert gases (air) (Pa)
p w partial pressure of liquid vapours (Pa)
p 00 pressure of saturated vapours (Pa)
p ? critical pressure (Pa)
q z heat flux (Wm ?2 )
r i specific gas constant of inert gases
(Jkg ?1 K ?1 )
r LG latent heat of evaporation (Jkg ?1 )
r w specific gas constant of liquid vapours
(Jkg ?1 K ?1 )
R universal gas constant¼8314 (Jkmol ?1 K ?1 )