The physical and chemical modification of variouspolymers have been achieved through the incorporationof fullerene[1]. In this way, the combination ofdistinctive features of fullerenes with physical propertiesof polymers may yield advanced polymeric materialswith novel physicochemical characteristics. Amongfullerene molecules, C60 and its derivative materials havebeen extensively focused as polymer reinforcement.The resulting polymer/fullerene nanocomposite maypossess fine electrical, thermal, optical, photovoltaic,and solubility properties[2,3]. One of the majordrawbacks associated with polymer/fullerene nanocompositeis their poor solubility in most of the organicsolvents and their tendency to aggregate. Therefore,large-scale processing and application of polymer/fullerene is an issue[4]. In this regard, various modifiedforms of fullerene have been prepared to surmount theproblem of processability and large-scale production[5,6].The physically/chemically modified form of fullereneshas rendered enhanced mechanical, electrical,magnetic, and optical properties of polymer/fullerene