00:00:04,300 --> 00:00:10,090
night and moonlight so stars and moon
light lots of cool stuff you can do here
00:00:10,090 --> 00:00:17,740
the moon looks like the Sun
00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:21,740
the moon's out you get actually lights
up you do with fifteen twenty second
00:00:21,740 --> 00:00:22,700
00:00:22,700 --> 00:00:28,740
actually lights up things that are
around it get the starters this is
00:00:28,740 --> 00:00:35,190
called a whole different type of light
could break lee also a car was driving
00:00:35,190 --> 00:00:35,809
00:00:35,809 --> 00:00:40,120
hit the brakes and you could see that
red light on all the air but it
00:00:40,120 --> 00:00:45,739
illuminates it and then you get the
Milky Way back their cities cities at
00:00:45,739 --> 00:00:50,760
night so how to capture it give you a
little formula here
00:00:50,760 --> 00:00:59,250
alright so you're formula is 44 stars
it's only a child star photos before
00:00:59,250 --> 00:01:04,760
anybody not shot star photos before so
few of you it's actually somewhat easier
00:01:04,760 --> 00:01:10,590
than you think you set your camera to
manual mode ok which means you control
00:01:10,590 --> 00:01:18,140
the shutter and the aperture so what we
want here is our basis we want 15 to 20
00:01:18,140 --> 00:01:19,369
00:01:19,369 --> 00:01:23,820
ok so you know you're going to plug in
15 to 20 seconds why because if you do
00:01:23,820 --> 00:01:28,640
longer the stars tend to move right so
if you do any longer the stars are
00:01:28,640 --> 00:01:33,700
moving and you get blurry stars in the
sky so 15th and 22nd keeps your stars
00:01:33,700 --> 00:01:37,659
nice and crisp so from there
00:01:37,659 --> 00:01:41,310
everything else is just becomes how do
we fill in the blanks to get a well
00:01:41,310 --> 00:01:46,909
exposed photo well chances are we want
her lowest aperture possible much latest
00:01:46,909 --> 00:01:53,170
we can end so that F 2.8 set your camera
up 2.8 whatever lowest is on the camera
00:01:53,170 --> 00:01:58,490
so we got her fifteen to twenty seconds
we got her amateur plugins the lowest
00:01:58,490 --> 00:02:03,420
your lens will go and from there you
just raise your ISO into you get a well
00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:09,220
exposed photo just keep raising it and
that will get you a while to post photos
00:02:09,220 --> 00:02:14,130
could be a hundred could be 1600 could
be 3200 you just keep raising it we can
00:02:14,130 --> 00:02:17,580
do know is reduction later but that's
that's the formula and then as far as
00:02:17,580 --> 00:02:22,640
focusing goes you'll hear a lot of
different things I just say I put it on
00:02:22,640 --> 00:02:27,460
the little infinity sign but you have to
zoom in take a picture zoom in on the
00:02:27,460 --> 00:02:29,920
LCD look at the stars if they're blurry
00:02:29,920 --> 00:02:34,830
move your focus ring a little bit take
another picture zoom in with your focus
00:02:34,830 --> 00:02:39,239
once you get it you get it can leave it
there but it actually is a formula like
00:02:39,239 --> 00:02:42,500
that's that's whenever I got shooting
that's the settings on iplug in
00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:52,620
post-processing not too much to it are
generally under expose these photos a
00:02:52,620 --> 00:02:57,220
little bit because I know we have so
much leeway in Lightroom and Photoshop
00:02:57,220 --> 00:03:05,150
expose a little bit what do I get from
under exposing I get not raising my ISO
00:03:05,150 --> 00:03:11,040
quite as much right so I'll take one if
I got a reason to 3200 to get well
00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:16,370
exposed I'll take one but then I'll
knock it down to sixteen hundred takes
00:03:16,370 --> 00:03:20,269
an underexposed photos and that way I
don't have quite as much noise in there
00:03:20,269 --> 00:03:24,560
okay and I know that with our camera
files these days you can put your
00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:28,400
exposure way more than you think you can
so I'm able to avoid some of the noise
00:03:28,400 --> 00:03:41,640
and then a lot of this is going to be
white balance of whites blacks but
00:03:41,640 --> 00:03:51,730
daylight white balance your camera to it
before after ok but white balance is
00:03:51,730 --> 00:03:55,400
going to be a big part of that daily or
tweak your blues Tweaker Magentis will
00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:57,520
give you a nice color up in the sky
100:00:04,300--> 00:00:10,090晚上,月光如此星星和月亮很酷的东西,你可以在这里做轻很多200:00:10 090--> 00:00:17,740月亮看起来像太阳一样300:00:17,740--> 00:00:21,740月亮出来你得到实际上灯起来,你做与 3:22 下午400:00:21,740--> 00:00:22,700曝光500:00:22,700--> 00:00:28,740其实照亮那些事情在它附近上场这是600:00:28,740--> 00:00:35,190称为完全不同类型的光可以打破的李也驾驶一辆车700:00:35,190--> 00:00:35,809通过800:00:35,809--> 00:00:40,120踩下刹车,你可以看到,但它的所有空气亮起红灯900:00:40,120--> 00:00:45,739照亮它,然后你得到银河回在他们城市城市1000:00:45,739--> 00:00:50,760晚上那么如何捕获,它给你这里的小公式1100:00:50,760--> 00:00:59,250好吧所以你的公式是 44 星星它是只有孩子的明星照片前1200:00:59,250--> 00:01:04,760任何人都不出手之前的明星照片所以你很少有人是实际上比较容易1300:01:04,760--> 00:01:10,590不是你认为你将你的相机设置为手动模式下确定,这意味着你控制1400:01:10,590--> 00:01:18,140快门和光圈所以什么我们想要在这里是我们的基础,我们想要 15 到 201500:01:18,140--> 00:01:19,369秒1600:01:19,369--> 00:01:23,820好吧你知道你要插上15 to 20 seconds why because if you do1700:01:23,820 --> 00:01:28,640longer the stars tend to move right soif you do any longer the stars are1800:01:28,640 --> 00:01:33,700moving and you get blurry stars in thesky so 15th and 22nd keeps your stars1900:01:33,700 --> 00:01:37,659nice and crisp so from there2000:01:37,659 --> 00:01:41,310everything else is just becomes how dowe fill in the blanks to get a well2100:01:41,310 --> 00:01:46,909exposed photo well chances are we wanther lowest aperture possible much latest2200:01:46,909 --> 00:01:53,170we can end so that F 2.8 set your cameraup 2.8 whatever lowest is on the camera2300:01:53,170 --> 00:01:58,490so we got her fifteen to twenty secondswe got her amateur plugins the lowest2400:01:58,490 --> 00:02:03,420your lens will go and from there youjust raise your ISO into you get a well2500:02:03,420 --> 00:02:09,220exposed photo just keep raising it andthat will get you a while to post photos2600:02:09,220 --> 00:02:14,130could be a hundred could be 1600 couldbe 3200 you just keep raising it we can2700:02:14,130 --> 00:02:17,580do know is reduction later but that'sthat's the formula and then as far as2800:02:17,580 --> 00:02:22,640focusing goes you'll hear a lot ofdifferent things I just say I put it on2900:02:22,640 --> 00:02:27,460the little infinity sign but you have tozoom in take a picture zoom in on the3000:02:27,460 --> 00:02:29,920LCD look at the stars if they're blurry3100:02:29,920 --> 00:02:34,830move your focus ring a little bit takeanother picture zoom in with your focus3200:02:34,830 --> 00:02:39,239once you get it you get it can leave itthere but it actually is a formula like3300:02:39,239 --> 00:02:42,500that's that's whenever I got shootingthat's the settings on iplug in3400:02:42,500 --> 00:02:52,620post-processing not too much to it aregenerally under expose these photos a3500:02:52,620 --> 00:02:57,220little bit because I know we have somuch leeway in Lightroom and Photoshop3600:02:57,220 --> 00:03:05,150expose a little bit what do I get fromunder exposing I get not raising my ISO3700:03:05,150 --> 00:03:11,040quite as much right so I'll take one ifI got a reason to 3200 to get well3800:03:11,040 --> 00:03:16,370exposed I'll take one but then I'llknock it down to sixteen hundred takes3900:03:16,370 --> 00:03:20,269an underexposed photos and that way Idon't have quite as much noise in there4000:03:20,269 --> 00:03:24,560okay and I know that with our camerafiles these days you can put your4100:03:24,560 --> 00:03:28,400exposure way more than you think you canso I'm able to avoid some of the noise4200:03:28,400 --> 00:03:41,640and then a lot of this is going to bewhite balance of whites blacks but4300:03:41,640 --> 00:03:51,730daylight white balance your camera to itbefore after ok but white balance is4400:03:51,730 --> 00:03:55,400going to be a big part of that daily ortweak your blues Tweaker Magentis will4500:03:55,400 --> 00:03:57,520give you a nice color up in the sky