The success of restaurant business relies on providing superior service quality, value, andcustomer satisfaction, which in turn enhances consumer repeat patronage (Heskett et al.,1997). Satisfaction is considered to act as an antecedent to loyalty (Bitner, 1990).Surprisingly, the results of this study show no significant link between customersatisfaction and frequency of patronage. However, there is a direct link between servicequality and repeat patronage. In one of the restaurants, 97% of the respondents showedthe intention to revisit the restaurant and 84% of them would recommend the restaurant totheir friends. Such a high tendency of repeat patronage may be just a habit or due to thehigh quality of interaction and neighborhood environment. Thus it renders no support forH3 that customer satisfaction is hypothesized as a positive predictor of repeat patronage.
The success of restaurant business relies on providing superior service quality, value, and<br>customer satisfaction, which in turn enhances consumer repeat patronage (Heskett et al.,<br>1997). Satisfaction is considered to act as an antecedent to loyalty (Bitner, 1990).<br>Surprisingly, the results of this study show no significant link between customer<br>satisfaction and frequency of patronage. However, there is a direct link between service<br>quality and repeat patronage. In one of the restaurants, 97% of the respondents showed<br>the intention to revisit the restaurant and 84% of them would recommend the restaurant to<br>their friends. Such a high tendency of repeat patronage may be just a habit or due to the<br>高品質的互動和鄰里環境。因此,它呈現為不支持<br>客戶滿意是假設為重複惠顧的積極預測H3。