Data on degradation of neoaxanthin, a carotenoid pigmentin olives [J. Agric. Food Chem. (1994) 42:1551–1554] is asfollows [Days, Conc. (in mg/kg)]: (0, 1.41), (4, 1.29), (8, 1.18), (14, .98), (19, 0.80), (20, 0.76), (26, 0.62), (33; 0.51), (54, 0.13).The change of concentration with time is first order,therefore the logarithm of concentration when plottedagainst time is linear. Fit the logarithmic equation ln(C) = kt+ b by linear regression to obtain parameter estimates of kand b. Also fit the equation C = [e]kt+b and obtain parameterestimates of k and b and their confidence limits usingnonlinear curve fitting.