Theoretical research and wavelet analysis closely together. Now, it has been made to attract people's attention achievements in the field of science and technology and information industry. Electronic information technology is an important field of six new and high technology, an important aspect of it is the image and signal processing. Nowadays, signal processing has become an important part of contemporary science and technology work, the purpose of signal processing is to: accurate rapid analysis, diagnosis, compression and quantification, transfer or storage, accurate reconstruction (or recovery). From the mathematical point of view, signal and image processing can be unified as signal processing (image can be seen as a two-dimensional signal),Many analysis and application of wavelet analysis, can be summed up as the signal processing problems. Now, for the nature of time signal is stable (stationary random process), an ideal tool for processing is still Fu Liye analysis. But in the practical application of the vast majority of signal is not stable (non stationary random process), and is especially suitable for the non steady signal is wavelet analysis tools.