Hungry and tired, the children begin to eat the rooftop of the candy house, when the door opens and a 'very old woman' emerges and lures them inside, with the promise of soft beds and delicious food. They comply, unaware that their hostess is a wicked witch who waylays children to cook and eat them.
The next morning, the witch locks Hansel in an iron cage in the garden and forces Gretel into becoming a slave. The witch feeds Hansel regularly to fatten him up, but Hansel cleverly offers a bone he found in the cage (presumably a bone from the witch's previous captive) and the witch feels it, thinking it is his finger. Due to her blindness, she is fooled into thinking Hansel is still too thin to eat. After weeks of this, the witch grows impatient and decides to eat Hansel 'be he fat or lean.'
The witch prepares the oven for Hansel, but decides she is hungry enough to eat Gretel, too. She coaxes Gretel to open the oven and prods her to lean over in front of it to see if the fire is hot enough. Gretel, sensing the witch's intent, pretends she does not understand what she means. Infuriated, the witch demonstrates and Gretel instantly shoves the witch into the oven and slams and bolts the door shut, leaving 'The ungodly witch to be burned to ashes', with the witch screaming in pain until she dies. Gretel frees Hansel from the cage and the pair discover avase full of treasure and precious stones. Putting the jewels into their clothing, the children set off for home. A swan ferries them across an expanse of water and at home they find only their father; his wife died from unknown causes. Their father had spent all his days lamenting the loss of his children and is delighted to see them safe and sound. With the witch's wealth, they all live happily ever after.
Hungry and tired, the children begin to eat the rooftop of the candy house, when the door opens and a 'very old woman' emerges and lures them inside, with the promise of soft beds and delicious food. They comply, unaware that their hostess is a wicked witch who waylays children to cook and eat them.The next morning, the witch locks Hansel in an iron cage in the garden and forces Gretel into becoming a slave. The witch feeds Hansel regularly to fatten him up, but Hansel cleverly offers a bone he found in the cage (presumably a bone from the witch's previous captive) and the witch feels it, thinking it is his finger. Due to her blindness, she is fooled into thinking Hansel is still too thin to eat. After weeks of this, the witch grows impatient and decides to eat Hansel 'be he fat or lean.'巫婆烤箱准备汉斯,但决定她是格莱托,也吃不饱。她哄格莱托来打开烤箱和刺她俯身在它,看看是否火是不够热。格莱托,遥感女巫的意图,假装她不理解她的意思。激怒,女巫演示和格莱托立即把女巫塞进烤箱和砰一声和螺栓,把门关上,留下不敬虔巫婆烧成了灰烬,' 与女巫痛苦地尖叫着直到她死去。格莱托释放汉斯从笼子和双发现花瓶充满宝藏和珍贵的宝石。将珠宝放入他们的衣服,孩子们动身回家。一只天鹅渡轮他们跨过宽阔的水和在家里他们发现只是他们的父亲;他的妻子死于不明原因。他们的父亲花了他所有的天悲叹失去了他的孩子们,很高兴看到他们安然无恙。与女巫的财富,他们都过得很幸福。