00:00:24,539 --> 00:00:29,210
so here we are in capture one and
there's absolutely no surprises here but
00:00:29,210 --> 00:00:33,030
I will run you through it and one thing
that's kind of curious in this as well
00:00:33,030 --> 00:00:37,350
as seeing how the light tonality changes
when you gone from earlier which is in
00:00:37,350 --> 00:00:42,350
the front line then into the real hero
Lolo wreaking like qualities which we
00:00:42,350 --> 00:00:49,120
have in here and then into the evening
we get to all the way towards the end
00:00:49,120 --> 00:00:54,120
when things get into the blue color
palette and lower tones so you can see
00:00:54,120 --> 00:00:57,460
some of that right in here so we're
going to school through that before the
00:00:57,460 --> 00:01:01,640
start though I want to just show you in
our settings
00:01:01,640 --> 00:01:06,259
there's absolutely nothing done to this
but for the sharpening right here
00:01:06,259 --> 00:01:10,850
there's no color settings no treatments
00:01:10,850 --> 00:01:16,780
5500 Calvin and a tiny militant that
will not even the noticeable to be
00:01:16,780 --> 00:01:25,149
honest so even have a true capture 5500
killed in neutral color capture so what
00:01:25,149 --> 00:01:29,479
you see in changes what you see in color
on the screen is nothing but the tone
00:01:29,479 --> 00:01:35,440
studs inherent in the landscape and also
inherent in the light that casts on it
00:01:35,440 --> 00:01:40,190
so a lot of these are shown in panels
when you see this frame it's really
00:01:40,190 --> 00:01:45,640
meant to be one long horizontal like
this I did this to get closer and get
00:01:45,640 --> 00:01:49,650
more detail and I really was intrigued
by these mountains so that's why I shot
00:01:49,650 --> 00:01:56,340
these for the slightly longer lands and
chose to stitch them together so again
00:01:56,340 --> 00:02:02,170
no surprises to this just show you a few
of these pictures as we go down and you
00:02:02,170 --> 00:02:06,750
could see the delight quality changes
like these mountains in here and it was
00:02:06,750 --> 00:02:10,610
something like this that ended up using
but the light coming in through this in
00:02:10,610 --> 00:02:15,569
shaping this in trading volume between
especially here and the ones behind so
00:02:15,569 --> 00:02:21,439
it's gonna scroll down and I'll show you
where I ended up for the light that I
00:02:21,439 --> 00:02:26,610
liked how you see my capture here is
skipping a little bit between frames
00:02:26,610 --> 00:02:30,930
this is the second camera that I had
that I ended up shooting some back on
00:02:30,930 --> 00:02:34,650
plates but that had a longer lens so I
could get closer to the mountains so I
00:02:34,650 --> 00:02:35,660
apologize for this
00:02:35,660 --> 00:02:41,320
skipping between hair a tiny tiny bit so
the likely looking for is quite subtle
00:02:41,320 --> 00:02:47,620
and it pulled up maybe this panel right
here this is really quite close to where
00:02:47,620 --> 00:02:52,630
I wanted to be when the Sun hits the
horizon or comes behind the mountain
00:02:52,630 --> 00:02:58,700
there's a moment there are you only see
half of the Sun right the Sun is half
00:02:58,700 --> 00:03:03,890
way behind the mountain that sits on the
horizon line and in that moment you get
00:03:03,890 --> 00:03:08,510
a few seconds the lights are a few
minutes where the like it's just a
00:03:08,510 --> 00:03:14,850
really soft and easily diffused so you
can see the difference right here this
00:03:14,850 --> 00:03:20,820
is when the Sun is full on right above
them up and then just as it tips have
00:03:20,820 --> 00:03:25,460
been between you get this like quality
and you could see how much softer this
00:03:25,460 --> 00:03:32,270
is compared to these two let me put this
down as you can see this matter I think
00:03:32,270 --> 00:03:40,880
you get the idea but you don't give you
the reason for me on this would grab
00:03:40,880 --> 00:03:43,390
properly there we go
00:03:43,390 --> 00:03:50,310
so this is full on Sun coming across the
landscape this is just seconds later or
00:03:50,310 --> 00:03:54,750
maybe a minute or two there you have
almost the same length of the shadows
00:03:54,750 --> 00:04:00,150
but very different softness to the light
everything just get diffused you get
00:04:00,150 --> 00:04:04,720
half of the intensities almost neutral
density filter right over the sign is
00:04:04,720 --> 00:04:11,370
the only get half of the race that's
hitting the landscape so writing here is
00:04:11,370 --> 00:04:15,580
to build my landscape you can ask what
the differences and it's really just in
00:04:15,580 --> 00:04:21,760
the contrast levels but it adds again
that's really seductive for me seductive
00:04:21,760 --> 00:04:27,020
painterly palette so if you want to do
something similar to this just again
00:04:27,020 --> 00:04:32,080
observe the light see how it changes it
goes from this right here is really soft
00:04:32,080 --> 00:04:38,760
and then a few minutes earlier which is
way more contrasty right there you see
00:04:38,760 --> 00:04:41,009
the difference quite low
00:04:41,009 --> 00:04:47,159
from here the light just traveled
completely into shadow pretty much these
00:04:47,159 --> 00:04:53,520
pains here and then went into night and
we talked about this in the previous
00:04:53,520 --> 00:04:57,860
chapter of the open mister where'd you
get into this blue tongue and you could
00:04:57,860 --> 00:05:02,020
see how this kinda get similar to have
been captured but for the green grass
00:05:02,020 --> 00:05:07,289
here are the lowest owns the grass and
the Red Rocks the mountains are very
00:05:07,289 --> 00:05:10,939
similar and that will be because the
locations are just minutes away from
00:05:10,939 --> 00:05:15,300
each other so that's why run down and
capture one for the background played
00:05:15,300 --> 00:05:23,599
I'm just going to quickly bring out the
talent as well and there's no secrets
00:05:23,599 --> 00:05:28,889
here he is really the only thing is that
I shot a lot of pictures I was really
00:05:28,889 --> 00:05:34,080
intrigued by this guy he was just so
much fun yet such process and such
00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:39,089
character so I spent a good hour prior
to the Sun being low enough for us to
00:05:39,089 --> 00:05:45,289
shoot to just how fun and explore just
beautiful fun pictures of this guy being
00:05:45,289 --> 00:05:51,009
on the card so there's a few this
captures in here and I'm gonna come into
00:05:51,009 --> 00:05:55,199
the frame so we started working on what
we needed for the composite keys so
00:05:55,199 --> 00:05:59,969
again on location as you saw in the
previous chapters my thoughts are well
00:05:59,969 --> 00:06:04,809
documented so not sure if I should add
too much to this year you see it billion
00:06:04,809 --> 00:06:09,430
the fact they have our white backdrop it
is only added so that it would be easier
00:06:09,430 --> 00:06:15,800
for me to cut out here and here and here
thanks for simply composite and I'm
00:06:15,800 --> 00:06:20,009
sitting in a little bit on them to try
to match the length of the lens 63
00:06:20,009 --> 00:06:25,269
millimeter here which is similar to what
I had myself the landscape so that's
00:06:25,269 --> 00:06:30,939
really the essence of this there was no
just about shooting a lot of different
00:06:30,939 --> 00:06:35,370
exposures so that we had a lot of stuff
to work with the flying here this flying
00:06:35,370 --> 00:06:44,139
festers explored this shooting 1041
Images Justin this session so you some
00:06:44,139 --> 00:06:48,580
wider ones so I just kind of explored
making sure that I had the pieces that I
00:06:48,580 --> 00:06:51,430
needed so I selected those for us
00:06:51,430 --> 00:06:54,430
taken into Photoshop and put it all
together as I mentioned in the
00:06:54,430 --> 00:06:57,450
introduction this is a fairly easy
100:00:24,539--> 00:00:29,210所以在这里我们是在捕获一和那里是绝对没有惊喜在这里但200:00:29,210--> 00:00:33,030要通过它和一件事那也是在这种好奇300:00:33,030--> 00:00:37,350作为看到光调性的变化当你从早走了,是在400:00:37,350--> 00:00:42,350然后进入真正的英雄前线Lolo 肆虐如品质的我们500:00:42,350--> 00:00:49,120有在这里,然后到晚上咱们一路走向结束600:00:49,120--> 00:00:54,120当事情陷入蓝色颜色调色板和较低的音调,所以你可以看到700:00:54,120--> 00:00:57,460一些这种权利在这里所以我们通过前上学800:00:57,460--> 00:01:01,640虽然我想要只是让你在开始我们的设置900:01:01,640--> 00:01:06,259绝对没有对此做了但这里锐化1000:01:06,259--> 00:01:10,850有是没有颜色设置没有治疗方法在这里1100:01:10,850--> 00:01:16,7805500 卡尔文和一个小小的激进分子,将不甚至明显要1200:01:16,780--> 00:01:25,149诚实所以即使有一个真正的捕获 5500死于中性色捕获什么1300:01:25,149--> 00:01:29,479你在变化中你所看到的颜色在屏幕上的口气只不过是1400:01:29,479--> 00:01:35,440螺柱所固有的景观,也inherent in the light that casts on it1500:01:35,440 --> 00:01:40,190so a lot of these are shown in panelswhen you see this frame it's really1600:01:40,190 --> 00:01:45,640meant to be one long horizontal likethis I did this to get closer and get1700:01:45,640 --> 00:01:49,650more detail and I really was intriguedby these mountains so that's why I shot1800:01:49,650 --> 00:01:56,340these for the slightly longer lands andchose to stitch them together so again1900:01:56,340 --> 00:02:02,170no surprises to this just show you a fewof these pictures as we go down and you2000:02:02,170 --> 00:02:06,750could see the delight quality changeslike these mountains in here and it was2100:02:06,750 --> 00:02:10,610something like this that ended up usingbut the light coming in through this in2200:02:10,610 --> 00:02:15,569shaping this in trading volume betweenespecially here and the ones behind so2300:02:15,569 --> 00:02:21,439it's gonna scroll down and I'll show youwhere I ended up for the light that I2400:02:21,439 --> 00:02:26,610liked how you see my capture here isskipping a little bit between frames2500:02:26,610 --> 00:02:30,930this is the second camera that I hadthat I ended up shooting some back on2600:02:30,930 --> 00:02:34,650plates but that had a longer lens so Icould get closer to the mountains so I2700:02:34,650 --> 00:02:35,660apologize for this2800:02:35,660 --> 00:02:41,320skipping between hair a tiny tiny bit sothe likely looking for is quite subtle2900:02:41,320 --> 00:02:47,620and it pulled up maybe this panel righthere this is really quite close to where3000:02:47,620 --> 00:02:52,630I wanted to be when the Sun hits thehorizon or comes behind the mountain3100:02:52,630 --> 00:02:58,700there's a moment there are you only seehalf of the Sun right the Sun is half3200:02:58,700 --> 00:03:03,890way behind the mountain that sits on thehorizon line and in that moment you get3300:03:03,890 --> 00:03:08,510a few seconds the lights are a fewminutes where the like it's just a3400:03:08,510 --> 00:03:14,850really soft and easily diffused so youcan see the difference right here this3500:03:14,850 --> 00:03:20,820is when the Sun is full on right abovethem up and then just as it tips have3600:03:20,820 --> 00:03:25,460been between you get this like qualityand you could see how much softer this3700:03:25,460 --> 00:03:32,270is compared to these two let me put thisdown as you can see this matter I think3800:03:32,270 --> 00:03:40,880you get the idea but you don't give youthe reason for me on this would grab3900:03:40,880 --> 00:03:43,390properly there we go4000:03:43,390 --> 00:03:50,310so this is full on Sun coming across thelandscape this is just seconds later or4100:03:50,310 --> 00:03:54,750maybe a minute or two there you havealmost the same length of the shadows4200:03:54,750 --> 00:04:00,150but very different softness to the lighteverything just get diffused you get4300:04:00,150 --> 00:04:04,720half of the intensities almost neutraldensity filter right over the sign is4400:04:04,720 --> 00:04:11,370the only get half of the race that'shitting the landscape so writing here is4500:04:11,370 --> 00:04:15,580to build my landscape you can ask whatthe differences and it's really just in4600:04:15,580 --> 00:04:21,760the contrast levels but it adds againthat's really seductive for me seductive4700:04:21,760 --> 00:04:27,020painterly palette so if you want to dosomething similar to this just again4800:04:27,020 --> 00:04:32,080observe the light see how it changes itgoes from this right here is really soft4900:04:32,080 --> 00:04:38,760and then a few minutes earlier which isway more contrasty right there you see5000:04:38,760 --> 00:04:41,009the difference quite low5100:04:41,009 --> 00:04:47,159from here the light just traveledcompletely into shadow pretty much these5200:04:47,159 --> 00:04:53,520pains here and then went into night andwe talked about this in the previous5300:04:53,520 --> 00:04:57,860chapter of the open mister where'd youget into this blue tongue and you could5400:04:57,860 --> 00:05:02,020see how this kinda get similar to havebeen captured but for the green grass5500:05:02,020 --> 00:05:07,289here are the lowest owns the grass andthe Red Rocks the mountains are very5600:05:07,289 --> 00:05:10,939similar and that will be because thelocations are just minutes away from5700:05:10,939 --> 00:05:15,300each other so that's why run down andcapture one for the background played5800:05:15,300 --> 00:05:23,599I'm just going to quickly bring out thetalent as well and there's no secrets5900:05:23,599 --> 00:05:28,889here he is really the only thing is thatI shot a lot of pictures I was really6000:05:28,889 --> 00:05:34,080intrigued by this guy he was just somuch fun yet such process and such6100:05:34,080 --> 00:05:39,089character so I spent a good hour priorto the Sun being low enough for us to6200:05:39,089 --> 00:05:45,289shoot to just how fun and explore justbeautiful fun pictures of this guy being6300:05:45,289 --> 00:05:51,009on the card so there's a few thiscaptures in here and I'm gonna come into6400:05:51,009 --> 00:05:55,199the frame so we started working on whatwe needed for the composite keys so6500:05:55,199 --> 00:05:59,969again on location as you saw in theprevious chapters my thoughts are well6600:05:59,969 --> 00:06:04,809documented so not sure if I should addtoo much to this year you see it billion6700:06:04,809 --> 00:06:09,430the fact they have our white backdrop it只添加,以便它会更容易6800:06:09,430--> 00:06:15,800我要剪出这里和这里和这里谢谢你简单复合和我6900:06:15,800--> 00:06:20,009坐在有点咬了他们尝试要匹配的镜头 63 长度7000:06:20,009--> 00:06:25,269毫米波类似于什么我有自己的景观所以这就是7100:06:25,269--> 00:06:30,939真正的精髓有没有只拍摄了很多的不同7200:06:30,939--> 00:06:35,370暴露使我们有了很多东西工作与飞行在这里这个飞行7300:06:35,370--> 00:06:44,139溃烂探索这个射击 1041图像贾斯汀本届所以你一些7400:06:44,139--> 00:06:48,580更广泛的所以我只是什么样的探索来确保我有件,我7500:06:48,580--> 00:06:51,430所以选择了那些为我们所需7600:06:51,430--> 00:06:54,430考虑到 Photoshop 和把这一切如我所述的在一起7700:06:54,430--> 00:06:57,450简介这是相当容易的复合材料