1. The audit report will only be on the current year. Other than that, there are no reporting implications. 2.When alternate procedures are performed and provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditors need not refer to the omission of the normal procedures in the report. 3.Since the CPA firm wishes to refer to this litigation in the audit report, it will be through an emphasis-of-matter paragraph following the opinion paragraph. The opinion will remain unmodified, unless the CPAs choose to issue a disclaimer of opinion. 4.This will lead to an emphasis-of-matter paragraph following the opinion paragraph indicting the change in method. The opinion will remain unmodified. 5.This is a departure from GAAP. Because it is described as material, but not pervasive, a qualified opinion, with a basis for qualified opinion paragraph, is appropriate. 6.The audit report date is the date sufficient appropriate audit evidence is gathered—here, February 10.