4 Technical Specifications
4.4 Motion Configuration Parameters
4.4Motion Configuration Parameters
General The motion configuration is dependent on the manipulator configuration, asdescribed in the following.
The parameters can be changed in RobotStudio under Motion Type: Robot.
For more information, see ‘Technical ReferenceManual, System Parameters’, Topic
Motion / Type Robot / Base Frame q1, q2, q3, q4.
Configuration A/B
The motion configuration for manipulator configuration A/B supports aninstallation position of the manipulator that is80° out of the horizontal plane, asshown in illustration below.
Figure 14 Base frame orientation, configuration A/B
80° 80°
Configuration A
Configuration B
:Y axis perpendicular intopaper
:Y axis perpendicular outofpaper
Following table shows the baseframe quaternions and gravity beta parameters forthe installation position of the manipulator configuration Aand B to obtain a correctworld frame.
Gravity beta
A /B
This is derived from the robot’s orientation relative to a normal conveyorinstallation, which isfirst rotated 180° around the z-axis and then 80° around the
Please note that the standard position of this robot is just at the point where the signsof q2 and q4 are reversed (equivalent to +/- 180 degrees). That means that just a
little adjustment, such as when teaching the Robot Base Frame with the robot, may
produce correct numbers that are numerically close to this example, but withreversed signs.
Product manual, IRB 5500
3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10
4 Technical Specifications
4.4 Motion Configuration Parameters
Vertical Configuration Themotion configurationofthe manipulator vertical configuration supportsa ±15°
tilted installation position, as shown in illustration below.
Figure 15 Base frame orientation, vertical configuration
15° 15°
Vertical Configuration A Vertical Configuration B
: Y axis perpendicular intopaper :Yaxis perpendicular out of paper
Following table shows the baseframe quaternions and gravity beta parameters foreach installation position of the manipulator vertical configuration to obtain a
correct world frame.
Configuration q1 q2 q3 q4 Gravity beta
A nottilted 0.70710678 0 0 0.70710678 0
A tilted+15° 0.70105738 -0.092295956 0.092295956 0.70105738 0.26179939
A tilted-15° 0.70105738 0.092295956 -0.092295956 0.70105738 -0.26179939
B nottilted 0.70710678 0 0 -0.70710678 0
B tilted+15° 0.70105738 0.092295956 0.092295956 -0.70105738 0.26179939
B tilted-15° 0.70105738 -0.092295956 -0.092295956 -0.70105738 -0.26179939
This is derived from the robot’s orientation relative to a normal conveyorinstallation, which isfirst rotated 90° around the z-axis and then 15° around they-axis.
3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500
4 Technical Specifications
4.5 Hollow Wrist Specifications
4.5 Hollow WristSpecifications
General Specifications
Ingress protection degree
Standard seals
Viton. A
Optional seals
Viton. ExtremeETP
Standard the hollowwrist is equipped with Viton. A seals.The Viton. Extreme ETP sealsprovide an increased chemical resistance.
Range of Motion
Axis 4 - Rotation motion
Axis 5 -Bendmotion
Axis 6 - Turn motion
Working envelope
± 140°
Velocity Axis4
Velocity Axis5
Velocity Axis6
Permitted Load on Wrist
The diagram below shows the maximum load which can be handled by the hollowwrist. The diagram is restricted by load capacity ofthe arms, see’Permitted LoadonArm’ on page 46. The maximum load is depending on the distance and offset from
the wrist flange to thecenter of gravityof theload.
Product manual, IRB 5500
3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10
4 Technical Specifications
4.5 Hollow Wrist Specifications
Figure 16 Load diagramfor hollowwrist
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Distance fromflange Z [m]
1013 12 11
Distance from
centerline R [m]
Basic Design
The illustration below shows the basic design of the hollowwrist with the innerflexible tube and including an example of an applicator attachment and anapplicator. The illustration also shows the dimensions for the mounting flange onthe wrist front. The information may be used for making an applicator attachmentetc.
3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10
Product manual, IRB 5500
4 Technical Specifications
4.5 Hollow Wrist Specifications
Figure 17 Hollow wrist, basic design
.71 hose
guide tube
Axis 3 arm
Center hole Supply hoses Connection
Hollow wristunit
Inner flexible tube
Attachment holes
10xM6 Depth 10mm
Axis 4
Axis 6
Axis 5
140 degrees
Holes for alignmentpins
on attachment2x.4H7
FRONT VIEW Inner tube
Section A-A
TCP Reference point
Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10
4 Technical Specifications
4.6 Foot Unit Specifications
44 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500
4.6 Foot Unit Specifications
Description The foot unit is the base for the wall mounted robot.
The illustration below shows the manipulator foot unit with measurements for
mounting holes and overall size.
Figure 18 Foot unit dimensions
600 680
Dimensions in mm
4 Technical Specifications
4.7 Pneumatic Cabinet Specifications
4.7Pneumatic Cabinet Specifications
Description The pneumatic cabinet contains several pneumatic components.
The illustration below shows the pneumatic cabinet with measurements formounting holes and overallsize.
Figure 19 Pneumatic cabinet, template and dimensions
Top view
Side view Front view
640 600
14.5 560
600 360
Bottom view
Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10
4 Technical Specifications
4.8 Permitted Load on Arm
4.8 Permitted Load on Arm
Various equipment such as atomizer, 2K mixer, etc., may be mounted on the robotarm. Exactly how muchthat can be mounted on the arms depends on theposition ofthe load, or more exact, on the coordinates of the centers of gravity of the load onthe axis 2 arm, the load on the axis 3 arm and the tool load. The following section
describes how to find the maximum loads which can be mounted on the arm. For
information on load which can be mounted on the wrist, see ’Permitted Load onWrist’ on page 41.
Important Notes
All loads described refer to a ‘naked’ robot. If extra components are already present,
the weight of these components must be subtracted from the calculated weights.
Keep in mind that any load on the manipulator will reduce the robot’s capability toaccelerate. As this might have consequences for the cycle time, the load should bekept as low as possible, and should be mounted as close to the center of rotation or
to the base of the manipulator as possible.
It is of great importance that the controller has an exact description of the extra
loads to be able to generate optimal paths and thus avoiding inaccurate motion
performance. For information, see ‘TechnicalReference Manual, SystemParameters’, Topic Motion / Type ArmLoad.
Configuring less load than is actually mounted on the robot arms will lead to motortorques exceeding their limits with possible overheating and/or reduction of lifetimeof motors and gearboxes. This case is not covered by the robot warranty.
Releasing Axis Brakes
Special caution must be taken whenreleasing axis brakes(both main axes and wrist
axes). The robot arm and wrist must be suspended or supported as none of the axesare counter balanced.
The robot axes must never be released without first having read the axis brakesrelease instructions under ’Releasing Axis Brakes’ on page 111.
Maximum Loads
For the amount of paint equipment that can be mounted on the manipulator, the
critical factor for the maximum load is the gravitational torque. An evaluation of the
gravitational torque is normally considered sufficient for determining max. load.
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Product manual, IRB 5500
4 Technical Specifications
Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 47
4.8 Permitted Load on Arm
Figure 20 Location of loads on robot arm
mv: Mass of load on axis 2 arm
mh: Mass of load on axis 3 arm
mt: Mass of load on tool
lmv: Distance from center of rotation axis 2 to COG of mv
lmh: Distance from center of rotation axis 3 to COG of mh
lmt: Distance from wrist flange to COG of mt
The following formulas are normally sufficient accurate to evaluate the actual
gravitational load:
Axes 1 and 2:
Axis 3:
Mass in kg
Length in m
These values must not exceed the following values:
Note: Wrist load must not exceed 13kg. See ’Permitted Load on Wrist’ on page 41.
Maximum gravitational torque
0 pump motors 1 pump motor 2 pump motors
Axis 1 1100 Nm 1050 Nm 1000 Nm
Axis 2 1100 Nm 1050 Nm 1000 Nm
Axis 3 350 Nm 350 Nm 350 Nm
COG, Center of gravity
4 Technical Specifications
4.9 Dimensions
48 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500
4.9 Dimensions
Description The following pages include dimension drawings for the IRB 5500 robot. The
dimensions for all manipulator configurations are identical, the illustrations show
therefore configuration A only.
Figure 21 - Top view
Figure 22 - Front view
Figure 23 - Side view
Figure 21 Dimensions IRB 5500 configuration A, top view
4 Technical Specifications
Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 49
4.9 Dimensions
Figure 22 Dimensions IRB 5500 configuration A, front view
Figure 23 Dimensions IRB 5500 configu
4 技术规格4.4 运动配置参数4.4Motion 配置参数一般运动配置是依赖于机械手配置,在以下的信息流。引用可以在 RobotStudio 下运动类型中更改参数: 机器人。更多的信息,请参阅技术 ReferenceManual,系统参数 ',主题运动 / 仿人型机器人 / 基地框架 q1,q2,q3,q4。配置 A / B运动配置机械手配置 A / B 支持牵引机械手的位置从水平的飞机上,已经吊在图中那 is80 °。图 14 底座定位、 配置 A / B+ Y + ZXZXY80 ° 80 °配置 A配置 B: Y 轴垂直 intopaper: Y 轴垂直 outofpaper下表显示的要点四元数和重力 β 参数为机械手配置拥有 a、 B 获得 correctworld 框架的安装位置。配置第 1 季度第 2 季度第 3 季度第 4 季度重力测试版/B0-0.6427876100.7660444431.39626这来自机器人的方向相对于正常的 conveyorinstallation,其中 isfirst 旋转 180 ° 绕 z 轴,然后周围 80 °y 轴。请注意,这种机器人的标准位置是只点惹恼 q2 和 q4 冲帐 (相当于 + /-180 度)。那只是意味着小小的调整,比如当教学机器人基础坐标系与机器人,5 月生成此示例,但浓度迹象数值相近的正确数字。产品使用说明书,IRB 55003HNA015911-001 en Rev.104 技术规格4.4 运动配置参数垂直配置万向节 configurationofthe 机械手垂直配置 supportsa ± 15 °倾斜安装位置,如下面的插图所示。图 15 基础框架的方向,垂直配置X XY YZ Z15 ° 15 °垂直配置 A 垂直配置 B: Y 轴垂直 intopaper: y 轴垂直没纸了下表显示的要点四元数和重力 β 参数要获得的机械手垂直配置 foreach 安装位置正确的世界框架。配置第 1 季度第 2 季度第 3 季度第 4 季度重力测试版Nottilted 0.70710678 0 0 0.70710678 015 ° 倾斜 + 0.70105738-0.092295956 0.092295956 0.70105738 0.26179939倾斜 15 ° 0.70105738 0.092295956-0.092295956 0.70105738-0.26179939B nottilted 0.70710678 0 0-0.70710678 0B 15 ° 倾斜 + 0.70105738 0.092295956 0.092295956-0.70105738 0.26179939B 倾斜 15 ° 0.70105738-0.092295956-0.092295956-0.70105738-0.26179939这被来自机器人的方向相对于正常的 conveyorinstallation,其中 isfirst 旋转 90 ° 绕 z 轴,然后围绕他们轴 15 °。3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 产品手册,IRB 55004 技术规格4.5 Hollow Wrist Specifications 4.5 Hollow WristSpecifications General Specifications Ingress protection degree IP54 Standard seals Viton. A Optional seals Viton. ExtremeETP Standard the hollowwrist is equipped with Viton. A seals.The Viton. Extreme ETP sealsprovide an increased chemical resistance. Range of Motion Axis 4 - Rotation motionUnlimited Axis 5 -Bendmotion Unlimited Axis 6 - Turn motion Unlimited Working envelope ± 140° Performance Velocity Axis4 465°/s Velocity Axis5 350°/s Velocity Axis6 535°/s Permitted Load on Wrist The diagram below shows the maximum load which can be handled by the hollowwrist. The diagram is restricted by load capacity ofthe arms, see’Permitted LoadonArm’ on page 46. The maximum load is depending on the distance and offset from the wrist flange to thecenter of gravityof theload.Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 4 Technical Specifications 4.5 Hollow Wrist Specifications Figure 16 Load diagramfor hollowwrist CG Centerline 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Distance fromflange Z [m] 10 10 10 10 1013 12 11 13 12 11 13 12 11 Distance from centerline R [m] R Z Flange Wrist Basic Design The illustration below shows the basic design of the hollowwrist with the innerflexible tube and including an example of an applicator attachment and anapplicator. The illustration also shows the dimensions for the mounting flange onthe wrist front. The information may be used for making an applicator attachmentetc. 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500 4 Technical Specifications 4.5 Hollow Wrist Specifications Figure 17 Hollow wrist, basic design .71 hose guide tube Axis 3 arm Center hole Supply hoses Connection Applicator attachment Applicator Hollow wristunit Inner flexible tube Attachment holes 10xM6 Depth 10mm Axis 4 Axis 6 Axis 5 140 degrees .63.102 .93H8.116 A A Holes for alignmentpins on attachment2x.4H7 FRONT VIEW Inner tube FRONT Section A-A TCP Reference point 12x30° Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 4 Technical Specifications 4.6 Foot Unit Specifications 44 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500 4.6 Foot Unit Specifications Description The foot unit is the base for the wall mounted robot. The illustration below shows the manipulator foot unit with measurements for mounting holes and overall size. Figure 18 Foot unit dimensions 450 33 500 450 600 680 .17 Dimensions in mm4 Technical Specifications 4.7 Pneumatic Cabinet Specifications 4.7Pneumatic Cabinet Specifications Description The pneumatic cabinet contains several pneumatic components. The illustration below shows the pneumatic cabinet with measurements formounting holes and overallsize. Figure 19 Pneumatic cabinet, template and dimensions Top view Side view Front view 640 600 14.5 560 600 360 10 .10.5 .18 20 Bottom view Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 4 Technical Specifications 4.8 Permitted Load on Arm 4.8 Permitted Load on Arm General Various equipment such as atomizer, 2K mixer, etc., may be mounted on the robotarm. Exactly how muchthat can be mounted on the arms depends on theposition ofthe load, or more exact, on the coordinates of the centers of gravity of the load onthe axis 2 arm, the load on the axis 3 arm and the tool load. The following section describes how to find the maximum loads which can be mounted on the arm. For information on load which can be mounted on the wrist, see ’Permitted Load onWrist’ on page 41. Important Notes All loads described refer to a ‘naked’ robot. If extra components are already present, the weight of these components must be subtracted from the calculated weights. Keep in mind that any load on the manipulator will reduce the robot’s capability toaccelerate. As this might have consequences for the cycle time, the load should bekept as low as possible, and should be mounted as close to the center of rotation or to the base of the manipulator as possible. It is of great importance that the controller has an exact description of the extra loads to be able to generate optimal paths and thus avoiding inaccurate motion performance. For information, see ‘TechnicalReference Manual, SystemParameters’, Topic Motion / Type ArmLoad. Configuring less load than is actually mounted on the robot arms will lead to motortorques exceeding their limits with possible overheating and/or reduction of lifetimeof motors and gearboxes. This case is not covered by the robot warranty. Releasing Axis Brakes Special caution must be taken whenreleasing axis brakes(both main axes and wrist axes). The robot arm and wrist must be suspended or supported as none of the axesare counter balanced. The robot axes must never be released without first having read the axis brakesrelease instructions under ’Releasing Axis Brakes’ on page 111. Maximum Loads For the amount of paint equipment that can be mounted on the manipulator, the critical factor for the maximum load is the gravitational torque. An evaluation of the gravitational torque is normally considered sufficient for determining max. load. 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500 4 Technical Specifications Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 47 4.8 Permitted Load on Arm Figure 20 Location of loads on robot arm mv: Mass of load on axis 2 arm mh: Mass of load on axis 3 arm mt: Mass of load on tool lmv: Distance from center of rotation axis 2 to COG of mv lmh: Distance from center of rotation axis 3 to COG of mh lmt: Distance from wrist flange to COG of mt
The following formulas are normally sufficient accurate to evaluate the actual
gravitational load:
Axes 1 and 2:
Axis 3:
Mass in kg
Length in m
These values must not exceed the following values:
Note: Wrist load must not exceed 13kg. See ’Permitted Load on Wrist’ on page 41.
Maximum gravitational torque
0 pump motors 1 pump motor 2 pump motors
Axis 1 1100 Nm 1050 Nm 1000 Nm
Axis 2 1100 Nm 1050 Nm 1000 Nm
Axis 3 350 Nm 350 Nm 350 Nm
COG, Center of gravity
4 Technical Specifications
4.9 Dimensions
48 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 Product manual, IRB 5500
4.9 Dimensions
Description The following pages include dimension drawings for the IRB 5500 robot. The
dimensions for all manipulator configurations are identical, the illustrations show
therefore configuration A only.
Figure 21 - Top view
Figure 22 - Front view
Figure 23 - Side view
Figure 21 Dimensions IRB 5500 configuration A, top view
4 Technical Specifications
Product manual, IRB 5500 3HNA015911-001 en Rev.10 49
4.9 Dimensions
Figure 22 Dimensions IRB 5500 configuration A, front view
Figure 23 Dimensions IRB 5500 configu